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Thursday, November 24, 2016

Thanksgiving Day on the road.

A very Happy Thanksgiving to friends and family. Enjoy your good meals, friends and football games. We will spend most of the day on the road. Going from San Carlos to Huatabampito. 
Yesterday we went into Guaymas to do some errands and were surprised to find police men on almost every corner directing traffic. A little weird when they motion you to go forward and the light is still red for you. Even here in San Carlos there were police on the corners with stop signs. 

We went into Guaymas to go to the TelCel store and buy data time and activate our Internet. Now we can get 4GBs for 50 days. Used to be only 3GBs for 30 days.  Also got Bill's Mexican cell working. He gets 9 free days then will have to buy more time, can do that at any Walmart. Altogether it cost us around US$30.00 Got to love the exchange rate. 
Stopped in Walmart 'cause I forgot nail polish. What was in the Alfa was so old it was almost like cement so threw it out and forgot to buy more. Got to keep those toe nails red. And a hardener for my fingernails or they break like crazy. 
Picked up some groceries while there too. Nice red, yellow and orange peppers - works out to about 50 cents each. Will stock up and freeze some before we head home. 
 And pineapple upside down cake. Looked good but don't need it. 
 Came home and put stuff away then went out to lunch at a new restaurant our friends told us about. What a good experience. The name of it is Chihuahua's.  
 We ate outside on the upstairs balcony upper left hand side of picture.
From the balcony down to the patio. 

 Just kicking back and enjoying the music and view.  Radio station of old time Mexican music, romantic and sad songs. 
 A closer look at the mural. Can you imagine if a restaurant did this in the state. The PC people would have a stroke. 
 The upstairs dining room and big bar. They had a live Barcelona soccer game on the TV. As we were leaving we stopped to watch part of it. Just until Messi made the first goal. 
A mural. Too much sunlight reflecting off it to get a really good picture. 
 Another mural in the upstairs dining room. A very elegant and comfortable restaurant. 
 I had ice tea, fish Zacatecas with rice and steamed vegetables. Absolutely delicious. Cleaned the plate. 
 Bill had chicken Caesar Salad - he licked the bowl clean it was so good. He also had 7-up. Total bill with tip US$17!!!!!
    Mural of a nonexistent window in downstairs patio.
Cant wait to get back here in the Spring to eat here again.  Then on home. I made sure the Internet would work. It did after I finally remembered how to turn it on and set it up. 
So in a little bit we'll be leaving San Carlos. Have to drive through a big city today - and from what we've heard the main route through has a not so well marked detour! Such fun. Best advice from others was "go slow and follow the trucks." 

1 comment:

  1. Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels. I hope Bill got the gulls something to eat at Walmart.
