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Friday, February 10, 2017

Just riding around town.

What a wonderful day today is! I managed to get a solid six hours sleep. Did not wake up once. Bill says I was snoring like a freight train. Oh well - I slept good. Today we are meeting friends for lunch and going to the Plazuela Machado. We haven't seen them for a year. So that will be fun. And the weather should be perfect. 
Yesterday morning I was walking around the campground and spotted this tree. Fuzzy cotton like balls on it  No idea what it is. Just interesting. 
And the banana  plant out front has pretty big bananas on it now. 
We had to pick up our laundry but thought we'd take a little ride first. They are still working on planting the palm trees. Lots and lots of palm trees. All traffic is detoured to one side of the road. 
How some of the trees are being held up. Don't know why the rest of them in the picture above. don't have any support. 
Here you can just barely see the ropes, some of them go across the road to power poles or other established trees. 
Another palm tree waiting to be planted. The old ones have been pulled out and cut up waiting to be cleared away. 
The shallow holes dug in the center divider for the new trees. Guess they learned their lesson when a couple of years ago they planted a bunch of palm trees on the Malecon and they planted them 20 feet deep! They all died and had to be replaced.
A closer look at the signs on the poles for Carnaval. Kind of interesting looking. 
Lots of light are being put up along the Malecon. can't wait to see it at night. 
Stopped at the Mega grocery store to find a couple of things we can only get there. Then on home to put away the laundry. 
We did go out again to look for and buy a cover for the Jeep. Found one at WalMart - the only SUV one they had. After much struggling we managed to get Willie covered. Looking at it later we decide it was on backwards. Guess we should have read the directions. The first direction was "1. Locate the side saying Front."
Guess we should have read them. 
And that was about it for yesterday.
This morning I had to empty the frig. Trying to locate a smell. So now it is really clean again and things have been tossed. Still don't know what caused the smell. 

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