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Saturday, March 18, 2017

A hot day in Quartzsite

Well we've just discovered that the keyless locking system on the RV doesn't work. One more thing for the dealer. Why didn't we know sooner that it didn't work. Because the whole time we were in Mexico - both Mazatlan and Aticama - we didn't lock the door. But back here in RV parks in the US we make sure to lock the door. Good thing we have the key too. 
I called the office at the gated community where we live to find out if the gate code would work with our new cell phones. Glad I called not only would it not work, the whole system changed over the winter so even our old phone could not open the gate. The new manager had me wait while he redid our code in the computer to the new phones. So we should be all set to get in the main gate. He also said no construction trucks should be near our home when we get there. AND he said we could take more than 24 hours to unload and clean the RV. Hum...some change going on. Wonder if they'll still complain a bout the pine needles in our back yard.
Bill fixed breakfast then we went over to the radio control section of the city park. He watched the planes and I walked around in the Rainbow Garden some more. It started as a memorial to this little girl. 
Some of the cactus blooming
Some pretty purple flowers.
An old wagon.  
One of the memorials, some are very elaborate. Some are just a few rocks and a name.

A small village built in the park. There was a lady there pulling weeds. Everything is volunteer. See the little outhouse. 
We didn't stay out long as the temps were going up quickly.
Pretty much stayed inside the rest of the day.
Soon we will be on the road heading toward home. Will get to sleep in our own bed tonight. At least it is not sooooo hot in Vegas. 


  1. I'm saddened knowing that you will be home and my Mexico adventure will end. I thank you very much for taking/making the time to share your mind sings with us. Best to you both.

    1. I continue to blog - but now about living in Vegas and traveling in the US.

  2. The desert flowers are amazing this year.
    VIva Las Vegas! Arriving home, good and bad, happy to be there, dreading the work.

    1. Everything was good when we got home. Unloaded all food, meds, electronics - rest for tomorrow. Went out to eat lunch and then watched race and soccer game. Nice being home. Still have to finish unloading and then clean RV. Seems easier than the Alfa.
