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Friday, April 28, 2017

A little of this a little of that!

Another very windy day here in Las Vegas, but at least the temperatures are only in mid 70s. Which is good because we are trying to keep the doors closed. Bills allergies are attacking hinm in force. The ONLY thing GOOD is they aren't affecting his breathing like in Indiana. But his eyes, nose and sneezing is full on. In fact he went back to the doctor this morning because the medication she prescribed for his eyes was not working at all. They've been getting worse. So now he has two different eye drops, one for viral allergy infection and one for dry (?) eye. Even though the eyes are running constantly he is to use the drops for dry eyes to give them relief. Also prescription Allegra.
About an hour after we picked up the new meds he was feeling better. Hope they continue to work. And am glad the wind is supposed to let up by Sunday for at least a week. Except then the temps will get up into the 90s - oh well, can't have everything I guess. 
I took a short walk this morning, but forgot to take my water with me, got it out of the refrigerator, set it down to put my shoes on and never picked it back up. But did get in about 1 1/2 miles. 
I just wanted to share this picture of a stained glass window Bill and I collaborated on several years ago. It was for a 4 x 4 window above our front door. Another one we left when we moved. I'd forgotten how pretty it was. The angle of the picture is weird because it was so high up on the wall. 
After we got home from the pharmacy the gardeners came over to find out where we wanted to have sprinklers put in. We'll have them on the back side part of the actual front of the house - where we had the dead tree cut down. And then out back, around the patio and in a semi-circle at the back corner. Then I'll be able to go pick out some plants. They suggested roses - but I want some desert plants. Will decide after the sprinklers are in. 
They also delivered a big table for us as tomorrow is the big spring community yard sale. We've drug a bunch of stuff out of the shed and hope to get rid of some of it. Piled up on and under our new table in the garage. Community table is still outside. Will sort everything out in the morning. The gates don't open till 8. Also went to bank to get some change. And still need to price some things. Maybe later.
Yes we're using the table where the glass window was. This morning I finished soldering the front and put the zinc strips on the sides. Now we can carefully pick it up. It is now back in the sewing room. Will put it back out on the table Sunday or Monday - face down so I can solder the back of it. There is still a lot to do to finish it. 
 After taking that 3-D sewing class I went hunting through my unfinished sewing projects drawer and found my Chinese lady that I started years ago. The print is on a neutral background. And piece by piece I am adding embroidered silk to make her kimono. I got stuck on one sleeve but now think I know how to do it.  The original print came as a set of three women, so if this turns out okay maybe I'll do the other two and use them and some embroidered squares for a quilt. 
Finally got my travel in Mexico web page up and running again. And looking over it I see a lot of pages that need some work. I guess different browsers format the pages differently.  


  1. You are both so talented. Amazing. Thanks for sharing!

    1. Yes, they really are - sure makes me seem like a slacker and truth be said I may be!

    2. it is just that now we have time to do the things we couldn't do when we had all those kids.

  2. Give Bill our love. Hate the fact his allergies are so bad. Love your glass work, amazing. We're working on the move and trying to get me running up to speed. Love you Shirlie

  3. hope you are taking care of yourself

  4. Your stained glass are magnificent.
