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Friday, March 1, 2019

Lots of construction video - they are really doing a lot quickly

Some more video of the construction going on next to us. With the wall up we can't see what is going on beside us any more. Was surprised to see how much has been done in that area.
To see it full screen click here
We went over to the sales office again and the salesperson gave us a map of the whole development. There will be ten condo towers of four floors each built at the back of the property. The houses are being built in groups. Each group will have its own swimming pool and green area. 
So here are the plans - the page was so big it is hard to get a good picture of it. We, of course, are where the RV park is. The red line with the arrow - all ten condo towers will be built to the left of the line. The red kind of rectangular area is where the original six home are built. The ones we've been watching. The homes are divided into sections [eventually they will have walls built around each section the purple lines.] Each section will have a green area with a pool. 
 There is only ONE road in and out - the one down the center. Even for the people living in the condos it is the only way to a street. 
 Tried to get a closer look at a couple of the housing sections. One on top of the other with about 18 inches separating each house. Around six hundred housing units will be in the project - includes condos. 
The wall behind us, almost ready to extend it up. See the dotted line at bottom right of plan - that is this wall. The land there used to be even with the RV park. Amazing the amount of dirt that has been brought in. 
 Oops- this is the road in front of the RV park. They are putting in sewer lines for new homes. See the arrow, that is where the gate to the RV park is. Glad we aren't leaving for a while. Will be hard getting a bigger RV in or out. But it should be done by first of next week. 

 Us turning into the RV park. 
 The original homes we've been watching. Putting a layer of foam on the roof then will finish it with cement. Then they should be ready for painting. 
They spent yesterday leveling the area behind us in preparation for building the wall. 
Have gone out to lunch also, at Torres. I am trying different things. This is a tuna filet salad. Pretty good. Would have like a few less peppers and maybe some tomato instead. Bill had spaghetti bolognese and it didn't give him any problems.  I made a suggestion to him on how he could digest his food (grease) easier and he didn't appreciate it. You know the Dawn Dish Detergent commercial - it says it dissolves grease anywhere. Maybe if he just drank a couple of drops of it it would help with the grease the bile doesn't dissolve. 

Haven't seen him lately. Sunning on a bush at Torres. 
Today is a race watching day - NASCAR from Vegas. 


  1. Quite the development. Ouch to getting in and out of the park for a bit. Nice looking salad.

    1. once all 600 residents are built and people move in --- good luck to anyone getting on and off street. will be a mess
      Open gate to Rv park changes daily 2 gates available. they are putting in sewer lines and manholes. mess

  2. I am the same way with the bags! If I remember to put them in the car, I forget to take them in to the store!

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