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Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Bill wants to leave YESTERDAY

Last night the temperatures plummeted and the winds picked up. Had winds up to 63 mph. The whole house was shaking. And at 8:00 this morning the temperatures were still pretty low. 
Tonight I think we will still have a freeze warning. But the winds are letting up some. We have to go out and do some errands, but waiting for it to warm up a little.
Went to the doctor yesterday and got an All Clear. No more problems, but not a guarantee it won't return. Oh well.
Today we should get the package we are waiting for, if so there is no reason to stay here any longer. So will have to make up our minds on a date. Right now we have "stuff" piled all over the house waiting to be put in the RV.
Just wanted to share my pretty sunflower that Bill made me again. It is nice to look up and see it all the time.
Around 10 it had warmed up a little, but a darn cold wind was still blowing, so we headed out to do some errands. Had breakfast out first, then to Sam's Club to get a few things. Surprising how fast you can spend money there. Then to WalMart where we managed to spend even more money. Stocking up on a few things that we can't get in Mexico. Then to the bank to get some Pesos. 
Saw the mail lady on the way home and let her know we put in a change of address and to please don't put junk mail into our box. Also let the office where we live know we'd have the RV out front and to have security keep a check on our home. So several check offs on the list. 
Never did get very warm today, in fact it is 5:30 and the furnace just came on. 


  1. Have a fantastic winter guys!❤

  2. The weather just sucks everywhere right now...cold, or wind or smoke. We're about 70 miles north of Reno. Came this way to avoid the fires. Can't wait for Mexico. Glad your health is better!

    1. At least it will start to warm up as you get south. And the wind is letting up. We hope to get out of here by Monday.

  3. Yeah on the all clear. Those winds were crazy picked and yes Vegas it cold. Can't believe we didn't run into you yesterday as we were stocking up for Mexico as well.

    1. We'll do our last stocking up in Amado, when we remember what we forgot. At least the real cold snap here is over.

  4. Happy Birthday Carol, I will have some carrot cake.
