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Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Pretty much good news.

Didn't realize how long it has been since I've posted.  Our days were pretty much wrapped around my appointments. Leave the house at 7 a. m. to get to the "infusion" place by 8:15 - EVERYDAY they sent me a text to remind me to be at the doctor's office at 8:15. All right already.  My last one was Sunday. Never did put the port in my arm, just moved needle every three days. They were pretty good, no bruising at all and no soreness. Monday did a bit of lab work. Will get results early next week. For some reason, and I asked about it, the antibiotics have made me really lethargic - just want to nap or sit.  But that is getting somewhat better. 
Bill took the motorhome in this morning to get the part of the leveling system that had a recall fixed. Turns out we didn't need it done. So parked it out front of house for a while and he worked on a few things inside it. Back in storage now. 
No date on leaving for Mexico yet. Waiting on lab results. Tomorrow or the next day we will order all our prescriptions for until we get back home. Sometimes that goes easy sometimes it is a mess. Hoping for easy this time. Also need to get our flu shots. 
We are going to have to start working on our plans for the trip to Mexico. Trying to figure out how to make the driving days shorter.
Total it is about 1300 miles. In the states there is no problem, but once into Mexico the places to stay are long drives. 
Any way just letting every one know we are fine. 


  1. Any good news is a plus....just keep on doing what you are doing to get good news.

    1. at least I'm getting my energy back. Managed to do a few things yesterday including baking a cake and making dinner. Even mopped the floor.

  2. Wishing you good outcomes for healing and health. Keep on keeping on. May your journey south go smoothly.

    1. My vague symptoms I've had for a few months are gone and I'm getting some energy back. So have got out our things to do to get ready to leave list out.
