Monday, September 19, 2022

Spooky doings on computer

Sometimes I wonder just how much "things" know about us. We both have our computers in one room and of course we talk about things. Well the other day I mentioned I wanted to buy some new bras. Just mentioned it, did not go on line and look any thing up. The next day on my Facebook page were a couple of ads for bras!!! Same thing we were talking about traveling to Mexico and now I'm getting ads for International travel insurance. Again Have Not looked on line for any insurance...Just darn right spooky.

Our weather has finally changed for the better. Low 90's during day, very little wind and low humidity. Love it. 

I've even managed to get out a couple of mornings and walk. Taking it easy only did 2.2 miles the first day. But the second day my ambition was more than my endurance. We went to walk in the wetlands and before we knew it the sun got up really high and we were at the edge of the park, furthest from home. Over 3 miles total walk. Was really worn out when I got home. I should be taking it easy for a while more as I am just finally feeling better from the flu shot...took almost two weeks. 
The park maintenance men came to trim the palm trees. I guess if he falls off the tree he is trimming instead of falling all the way to the ground he will just slam up against the other tree. Not my kind of job. He also has a rope around him and the tree he is on
Continue to work on my El Quelite picture/wall hanging. Not sure I like it, but will finish it. Each pattern piece has to be cut then fused to material then put on the backing. 
Kind of slow work. But interesting to do. A little more done here. Once the pieces fit and look good they have to be fused/ironed on to the backing. 
This is where I am today. All pieces showing are fused to backing. But have a whole lot more in little details and sewing to do. 
I did finish the Christmas tree wall hanging for our RV though. 
The picture of the puzzle 1000 pieces that I am working on now. 
I've been working on it for a week. This is all I've managed to finish. Very slow going. Oh well I want something to keep me busy.
We have a water leak in our front yard, it is a pipe that belongs to the community. Told them about it last week, no plumber has showed up to check it. So far the leak is very slow but it is undermining the yard. Guess I need to call them and send them another picture of it. 


Mark said...

If I were you I would have a conversation with Bill about what you would do if you won a big cash prize in the lottery. Just saying.... It might work. LOL

Nancy Kissack said...

I've never seen anyone take a picture and make it in to a fabric wall hanging. That's just fabulous! You are very talented. Can't wait to see it finished.

Carol and Bill said...

Mark, you know better than that.
Nancy - it is a fun thing to do. When I took the picture I had the wall hanging in mind. Just took me a while to get it going.