Friday, May 17, 2024

Walking and sewing to keep busy.

When we went walking last week we saw the baby owls again, they have moved to a different area. Aren't they cute. So solemn looking.

All three of them sitting in a row. 
At first thought this was a parent as it was all by itself. But it has fluffy baby feathers.So must be the fourth baby.
This one is an adult. He/she was across the ways in another tree. 
Bill decided he wanted a stationary bike for exercise. Unfortunately it is not put together. Sure has a lot of pieces. This is only a small part of them. Wow!
Finished my rainbow quilt. Then embroidered along the black strips. Using several colors and variegated thread. 
Been sewing again, trying to use up material. Making covers for the throw pillows. Might make more covers for other holidays. Have one more red, white and blue one I haven't finished yet. 
This mornings walk. Managed to get in 3 miles even with the warm weather. We did get started a little earlier than usual, 7:30 but it was already in mid 70's. Too hot for me. But glad we went. Saw a lot of bunnies running around. A couple chasing each other, moving to fast to take a picture. And then he crossed our path. Too bad he was in the shadows.
Near the end of the walk this one walked in front of us.  Wonder if it is the same one, but in  a different part of the park. 
On the way home saw this pretty bush blooming. 
Been doing a few other things too but will save for another post.


gumo said...

I think the bottom photo is of a bush called vitek.

Ruth's Life is Good said...

WOW, sounds like you are staying really busy. Love the owls!!! Your throw pillows are beautiful.

Kathy Tycho said...

Looks like Ms. Coyote is ready to have pups.

Kathy Tycho said...

Also, I think the purple plant is a salvia.

Anonymous said...

Hello to you both. Back in Seabeck Washington. I enjoy your postings. Oh the job Bill has putting that bike together ! Best to you Dirk

SandyM said...

Love the photos of the fluffy little owls and the parent. I hope Bill got all the pieces and parts together for his stationary bike. What a chore.

Carol and Bill said...

Gumo - good to hear from you.
Ruth - Thank you, I still like sewing and am now trying to use up some of my material.
Kathy. I think is is part of a pair with two pups. But just saw her that day.
Dirk. Good to hear from you. Bike still isn't put together. Might have to hire it out...
Sandy - The owls are really cute. So glad there is so much to see out there when walking.