Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Cooking , sewing and checking out a neat sight in the Wetlands.

Managed to catch a nice sunrise over the Wetlands the other morning. Have not been walking for over a week, so this is only picture I of have of the area.

On Monday Bill was doing pretty good, eyelid is starting to stay up longer. Sure hope that continues and it is fixed this time. Still swelling and incision is still healing.  So he decided to do some cooking. On Sunday he cooked a bunch of French Toast. Using Brioche bread. Turned out GOOD. Used a whole loaf so lots in freezer for another day. Any way. This day he was cooking chicken Milanesa - lots of it. 
He made the, for lack of a better word, marinade the day before. It is milk, lots of eggs, spices and I don't know what else. Soaks meat in it overnight. 
Getting ready to cook. Goes through a lot of Italian bread crumbs. 
All the meat is breaded, waiting to be cooked. There was another whole pan of it to do. 
Serious job, cooking all of that. He lines the stove top with foil to make clean up easier. 
One batch done. Had another pan full. I package it for the freezer. So we have lots of meals and sandwiches ready when we want them. 
While he was doing that I started to fool around with Easter pillow covers. Just in thinking mode here. I had a lot of pink, yellow and turquoise checked material I thought I'd use up. Found the images on line and printed them on PhotoFabric - a paper backed fabric - I had found a lot of it in one of my sewing drawers so am using it up. After printing the paper backing comes off and you have a piece of fabric with the designs on it. Years and years ago I made a bedspread for the RV using this method. I used photos from all the trips we'd taken. Lot of work, but turned out good. Then I can use fabric glue or fuzing to stick it to the fabric, then I quilt or applique it. 

Found some pictures of the bedspread -find of blurry and faded now but can get an idea of it. 

I happened to look out the back door - was actually checking on how the back yard looked - we have an inspection coming up this week - when I saw this in the wetlands. Probably a 15th birthday girl.
Photographer and whole family out there with her. I had to zoom way in so picture is a little blurry. Dress was beautiful. 
Nice saddle - the horse kept bumping her hat.  
From one oh my to another OH MY. That is me about 30 years ago with my son's BIG snake. It had a home/condo/cage in my backyard. 
Found out today that we have another great grandson. That makes 11 greats, 6 grands from our 5 sons. 
We had a home health care visit last week. Part of the yearly wellness thing for Medicare. We each get a 50 dollar gift card for CVS so "come on out."  And this morning we went out for breakfast then dropped off a big car load of full bags and boxes for Goodwill. Trying to get rid of some stuff so our kids won't hate us too much when we're gone. Figured that at 88 and 86 it was time to start thinking about things like that. 


Kathy Tycho said...

Sorry ...I meant you are both an inspiration for just getting on with whatever life throws at you...and example of "age is just a number!" I
l always enjoy your updates.😊

SandyM said...

Oh my, loved the pictures of the 15th birthday girl and the horse. Congratulations on the latest baby boy. Bill’ s chicken looks yummy. Nice picture of you with the 🐍

Nancy B. said...

Congrats on the new GG. Glad to "see" Bill is getting better. Great post! Hugs to you both!

Carol and Bill said...

Kathy Thanks, we try to roll with the flow, but would be nice not to have any "flows" for a while. I enjoy all your posts. Kind of miss being there.
Sandy It sure was a surprise to look out the door and see her and her horse.
Nancy Well his health is good but the darned eyelid is not cooperating. Thanks.