Thursday, March 12, 2020

Bird Brains

Just about the seagulls and Bill  they would go closer to pick up the pieces of tortilla.
He got a whole one so the rest are going to chase him. 
Got all his birds in a row. 
A piece of bread in the sky. Most of the time one of them catches it.
They want the pieces u on the wall, but are cautious about coming after them. 
A brave one.  Then the rest of them wasted no time to get some. 

There was a strong head wind for them so they had some trouble getting where they wanted to be. 
Kids were attracted to the birds. But of course once they showed up the birds left.

Looking over the wall at Bill.
Not sure about the birds flying around him. 

The only pieces left are on the ground so it took quite a while for them to get brave enough to sneak over the wall. But once one did it the bread disappeared fast. 
Just a couple of videos of them. 
Click here to view full screen  Sneaking over the wall to get to the  bread. 

Some different birds today. A couple of pelicans visited, they were only interested in fishing, not eating tortillas. 
And these brown guys showed up. Several of them. Never seen them before. 

First time since we've been here this time that we've seen a fishing ship. 

And today the sun is actually out and it is a really nice day. Raining up to the north of us though. Vegas is expecting up to two inches of rain and 12 inches of snow in the mountains. We have decided to stay here until Monday, instead of crossing border on a weekend. 

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