Sunday, March 23, 2025

Good and not so good goings on

We've had a busy time since I last wrote. I mentioned that the back seat window in the Jeep disappeared into the door and wouldn't come  up. So off we went to Pep Boys to get it fixed. I'd forgot about the Pep Boys logo. Here they are in all their glory. 

We got checked in. Also needed to get the back right turn signal fixed - new bulb. We were there before the mechanic, so sat around for a bit and waited. He finally got there and told Bill it would take a couple of hours!? Okay, so we thought we'd walk up to the Carl's Jr and have some coffee. So off we went, then Bill decided why not go home and relax. After all it's a couple of hours. So called Uber, he was there in a few minutes and off we went home. We hadn't been home twenty minutes when they call and say the car was ready !!! Another call to Uber, again he was close and back we went. So that is taken care of. From there we went to a big Mexican Supermarket up the street. El Super is the name. And it was huge. Amazing meat market. Bill found some stuff he wanted to try. So we bought a few things and will probably go back there again. But NOT to buy eggs. 1 dozen $18.97 - WOW I've been buying 18 extra large for $8.59 at Walmart (now $6.50) ever since the egg thing began. Maybe they were priced in Pesos. 
We also managed to get an appointment with the eyelid doctor. Not good news. He doesn't think another surgery will work. He thinks Bill has Ocular Myasthenia Gravis. That explains the double vision and the drooping that gets worse during the day. So he referred him to an neurologist. I called there Friday - and got a real person who was very helpful. She told me doctor has all the paper work and needs to check it over, decide if she can/will see him ? and call our insurance. Should hear from her by end of this week. Sure hope so. The lid barely stays open any more. 
Saturday my fast walker friend and I went walking. I mentioned that I didn't want to go too far, no off the trails stuff. We do a lot of stopping and looking when we walk. The orange plastic thing with the blue rope on it is a crawfish trap. We had no idea but the person who pulls up the traps came while we were there. Wonder where the crayfish come from. Also this was the pond with the two new koi/goldfish and a lot of catfish in it. Yesterday we didn't see one fish. Hum....
We saw two bunnies, this one was nice enough to sit still long enough for me to take a picture. He was pretty small maybe very young. 
It was a very overcast day so even though it was in the high 60's with a slight breeze it was nice walking. 
A canopy set up for the artists who were going to be in the park that day. Plein Air artists "Paint en plein air at Clark County Wetlands Park during Wetlands Art Day."One of the trees in the area they would be painting. Also the river and the bridge. 
A palm tree floating down the river. Wonder where it came from. 
A flock of white pelicans flying over us. 
So on our way back home we went to a few areas that we thought we might see artists painting. Found quite a few. And ended up walking FOUR - that's right FOUR miles for the day. 
More about the artists next time. Another picture of the Sphere. Looks like you could walk right into it.
Going to do some sewing and then watch NASCAR. It is supposed to be 90 here by Wednesday. UGH!

Tuesday, March 18, 2025

Wetlands Park Art Show

Have been managing to get out to walk again. Still somewhat hit and miss but trying. Tomorrow is a walking day but have to take the Jeep to the shop. The window in the back seat decided to drop down into the door and won't come back up. 

Woke up the other morning to fog in the Wetlands. Haven't seen that before.  Started out as just a thin strip.

Then bloomed into complete fog. 

Cleared up in time for us to walk at 9:30 though. We first went to the Nature Center as we've earned our first reward for walking for the year. After five walks we got a nice button to put on our hats. Also discovered this years Art show was beginning at 10 o'clock. So we walked over to see it. It is called HAVEN this year. "Ten artists have been selected for HAVEN, our fourth annual temporary outdoor art installation! Sculptures will be displayed at the Nature Preserve from March 15 to May 15, 2025. Look out for the exhibit while you’re walking the trails at Wetlands Park!"

The first sculpture we saw. No idea what the message is. But it was colorful. 

The next one got first prize. It is called HAVEN
I leave it to you to figure it out. This one will remain on permanent display somewhere in the park.
No title for this one. 
But I kind of like it. It was three dimensional. And at least it looked like something. The snake finding HAVEN in the rocks and desert - maybe?
Hard to read this - Cranes of Sanctuary. 
Now that really looks like a sculpture. Like it. 
Another no title, wonder why.
Another one we really liked. It is a dragonfly made of a heavy twine or rope. Hard to see in the picture as it blends with the background. Very interesting though.
Just a different view. 
Guess I didn't see the info for this one. 
This says Branches of Life. 
Okay - it is pretty and colorful. 
Rather strange. 
I would of thought this one wouldn't be hard to name. 
I really like it. Using the natural setting to add dimension to it.  Colorful too. 
Okay, title makes sense. 
Also neat to look at. There are hummingbirds in the park. 
After leaving the art show we continued to walk. Got in 3.2 miles. First time this year we've seen Canadian Geese here. Usually there are two or three pairs for the whole winter. 
Keeping it short this time. Hope you enjoyed.

Tuesday, March 11, 2025

No Vacancy

We finally got back to walking yesterday morning. Got in 3 miles in an hour and a half. And that was with a lot of stops to enjoy the birds, turtles, bunnies and quail. For the first time in a long time we saw bunnies, but I couldn't get the phone out of my pocket in time to get their picture. Our first stop was at the Boardwalk pond. No more room on this rock for more turtles. A nice sunny morning they were enjoying. 

The little guy was on a rock of his own. 
The water was high - usually this rock is out of the water. Liked the reflections in the water. 
We are starting to see the big fish again, for a while we didn't see any. 
Oh! He company on his rock. 
Looking at the snowy mountains. They are supposed to get a couple more feet of snow the end of this week, and we should get some rain. 
Taken from the bridge we walk to. The strip isn't very far from here as a bird flies.
No pelicans in the river, but one did fly over, of course missed a picture of him. Two cormorants airing their pits. 
Just as we were leaving the park we saw this guy. Usually nothing is in this area. Then some idiot came up the path with two dogs, not on leashes. The bird took off. Dogs are not allowed in most of the park. These two were small enough to be coyote snacks. 
Watched a quilting show on TV and they were using up scrap material making little baskets. Looked like fun and I do have lots of scraps. The first one I made. Made a few mistakes on it, but only I know where. No I have no idea what to use them for or what to do with them when they are done. Not real big, about 4" by 4".
They have a lining in them. And a little pocket on the front. 

Also got one of my diamond paintings done, framed and hung up. Bill made the frame out of maple burl years ago. Used to have a different photograph in it. But works for this just fine. (they are hard to get good pictures of. It is prettier than it looks here.)
I've actually been cooking lately. Made roasted vegetables - potatoes, mushrooms, carrots, red peppers and zucchini. Turned out GOOD. Also cooked some chicken breasts coated in Caesar dressing and sour cream then topped with crushed Caesar croutons and parmesan cheese. I cooked them in the air fryer and they turned out perfect. Then yesterday I made Waldorf Salad. Haven't had it in years but had all the ingredients so why not. YUM. 
Bill's eyelid is still drooping down. It can take up to six weeks for all swelling to go down, so we are still hoping it will be good. Son sent his ladies, he owns cleaning company, over today to clean. I don't turn that down. And that's it from here.