On Wednesday we returned to the Wetlands to walk. Got in 8700 steps on the walk. I had to cut it short as once the sun gets up a ways it just get too hot for me to be out. The air temperature was in the low 80's but the sun was HOT.
This was dinner on Tuesday night. No I don't cook like this all the time, just when I feel like it. Salmon, scalloped potatoes and asparagus with roasted almonds and cherry tomatoes. It was very good. Haven't cooked since, but do plan to tonight.
And more and more trails to explore.
And more signs being put up. We still manage to get lost off and on. But always find our way home eventually. Just some walks are longer than others.
That is an owls nest. There are young ones in it but haven't seen them.
We followed this one and it just went in a circle.
More water in the river that day, it was moving quite fast.
I like the bridge reflection.
More trees getting blooms.
Interesting sign about the water. And reminding people not to throw trash in the streets as it goes directly into the storm drains which flow to the lake.

We finally, just last night, got Bill's pills. What a mess. The pharmacy kept telling me they had ordered them, will be in tomorrow. Well on the tomorrows I'd call them and get, "They aren't here, or your insurance won't cover them." so would let them know, yes the insurance will cover them, you need to put them in as an override. Okay, well they will be here in two days. Called again in two days, "Oh they aren't here. Insurance won't cover them." But they have been ordered twice and they were supposed to be in pharmacy Tuesday - then Thursday. When I called Friday was told they didn't have them, insurance won't cover them. I will not repeat my conversation with them. Turns out the pills were there - the person talked to insurance while I was on phone and order went through ins. - he said they would be ready in an hour. Okay. Five minutes later I got a text the pills were ready to be picked up. We went right over and got them before they disappeared.