Trying to write a little more often. We have been having one beautiful sunrise after another the last week or so. I looked out this morning and there was an okay one, not worth going out in the 39 degree weather to take a picture.
Yep our weather has taken a big change. Going down to near freezing at night. So cool in the morning we now go out at 9:00 to walk when it gets into the low fifties. I still wear shorts and a t-shirt and a light jacket, which I take off about 20 minutes into the walk. Yesterday we walked 3 miles. Of course with a lot of stopping and looking at things. My friends I walk with. Guess I'm the only hot broad among us.

On Tuesday afternoon we had another semi emergency with Bill. Ended up at an Urgent Care near us. He had a nose bleed that just didn't want to stop. Got good care there, but they were talking emergency room before it finally stopped bleeding. So came home with ointment, q tips, nose plugs and instructions. One of which was get a humidifier for the house, Two will arrive today. We keep it pretty warm in here and the weather is naturally dry. Also he takes aspirin. So far so good, hope that is over with.
The ducks are so colorful.
Mama and two babies paddling around.
A break from nature. Sorry about all the pictures of the Sphere, but it just fascinates me. I take these all from on line posts. I love this one. Scary looking chicken.
I'm still sewing trying to use up material. Made a smaller 15 x 15 pillow cover. Kind of cute.
And am working on the third Christmas 18 x 18 pillow cover. This is a work in progress, not sure how to set it up yet. Playing around with different ideas.
Mama duck again.
Just something we saw out in the middle of nowhere while we walked towards a different area. A big empty pipe or well now full of trash and graffiti.
We went to see Bill's cardiologist early Monday morning. He isn't too concerned about the hospital reports. He feels the slow heart beat is due to one of Bill's medications so the doc changed the does to half of what he was taking. Then added a new blood pressure pill that is supposed to strengthen the heart. He also suggested Bill only take the water pill if he experiences swelling in this legs or hands. He also set up appointments for a heart monitor and another echocardiogram. Then of course another visit. I managed to drive there (23 miles each way) without problems or getting lost. Then that afternoon we had an eye shot appointment. We took UBER for that as it was late in afternoon, in Henderson and would be dark when we got out. Still waiting to see doctor for eyelid, Dec 10th for that one. He is starting to get crabby about doctor appointments. Can't say as I blame him. So far he has been feeling pretty good, except closed eye is driving him nuts.