Monday, September 26, 2016

Sewing, reupholstering and naked man. OH MY

I am so excited today. Why? Well for two reasons. One is the weather - it will be perfect for at least a week. Even factoring in the 20% chance of rain. In fact including the 20% chance of rain. The plants need the dust washed off their leaves. Bill will also be happy because the coolest will be 68, not into the 50s like last week. 
And the second reason? The first darn debate will be over. Can't wait until Nov 8th for the whole mess to be over,. Hasn't it been going on for 3 years already! And what's with the 8th - I seem to remember voting is to take place the first Tuesday in November. Oops, guess I was wrong. "It occurs on the Tuesday immediately after the first Monday in November. (this does not necessarily mean the "first Tuesday" in a month because the first day of a month can be a Tuesday)."
I laid out my Christmas bottom of bed throw to see how it looks and to figure out how much fabric I need for the sashing and backing. I found enough batting in my stash. I am not going to square off the corners. Like it better with a more rounded shape. 
 Just have to get to JoAnns to buy the fabric. 
Here's Bill, in his long sleeve shirt, working out in the garage on the window boxes. They are coming right along. One just needs painting, hung and the tile put on. Then he make the other(s).
 And I've started another project. Finish one start another. This is a high chair vintage 1958. It was a Christmas present for me and my oldest son. He was 6 months at the time. It used to have a white plastic tray which has disappeared over the year. All five of our kids used it. And though out the ensuing years I've used it to sit in and as a ladder to climb to paint and wallpaper etc. It has been recover many, many times over the 57 1/2 years. and it needs it again now. You can see tears in the back and one on the seat. It also needs repainting. Luckily I discovered that I have enough of the same material to do both the back and seat.
 All apart and material cut waiting to be stapled to the pieces. The aqua with with stars/dots is the original material 
 The frame waiting to go outside and be painted. Got a metallic chrome looking spray paint for it. (Over the years I have "spread" enough that I can no longer sit in it! But i still use it to climb on.) 
Will be spending part of my time this week trying to figure out how we can get enough of our respective prescriptions to cover the time we'll be in Mexico. I know I can get a vacation "override" for one 90 day supply, but can refill three of the important ones until the first of December...I wonder if I can buy some of them not using our insurance - the cheaper ones. A couple of them cost way to much to not use the insurance. We'll see.
The next picture I'm posting is NOT a political commentary. More of an OH MY GOSH - why would any one do that? It is the cover of a magazine that comes out every Sunday about things going on in Vegas. Lots of neat stuff in it. Well this past week there was a big event here "Life is Beautiful" Concerts, food and art. This is one of the "art" pieces. My understanding is the "artist" made five of them and they were put up in different cities. The one here lasted only a day or two before it was stolen Just amazing. All the background is the mag cover and yes that is The Donald in all his glory. Strange world we live in. 
Watched NASCAR over the weekend while sewing etc. My driver had a good race, Didn't win but came in 3rd so he is doing okay so far in the Chase. The truck he owns also won it's race. Excellent drive William Byron - just turned 18 and just finished high school. 

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