Wednesday, November 2, 2016

Time to sit down

I am tired. Arvi is loaded except for the remainder of the stuff in the refrigerator, waiting for energy to return and refrigerator to cool.
I think we've got everything done. Our son sent over two of his cleaning ladies so the house is nice and clean. All the laundry is done. Transferred info from PC to laptop and printed a bunch of our cards.
Just hope when we need something in the RV we'll be able to find it.
I'm not so sore today but the bruises have gotten bigger. They too shall pass.
Nothing else to say. Next post should be from somewhere else.


Barb said...

Use heat to take the bruising away. The heat opens the blood vessels and releases the blood and reduces the bruises.

Carol and Bill said...

Thanks - I'll give it a try when we stop for the night.