Things did not go well with the two different doctors yesterday. We are both on antibiotics so all should turn out well.
Just some pictures I took on the way - way across town - to the doctor's office. The reflection in the building is a new hotel being built. It is going to be really big.
I always do a double take when we pass this building. They sell manikins.
This wall has had the American Flag painted on it for at least 17 years. Some one must be keeping it up. No peeling or faded paint on it.
And here is what I managed to catch of this mornings sunset. Was up at 5:03 - ugh way too early.
Across town again today to visit our youngest son at his business. New metal plants in the center divider. They look real until you look really close at them. Sure saves on the watering and maintenance while looking great.
The High Roller was s l o w l y revolving. Little by little things are opening up.
Found our son's business. Was surprised at this mask holder. What a good idea. A napkin holder! His business is a cleaning service for homes and offices and industrial businesses.
This is how the ladies leave the towels in the bathrooms. On display in one of the offices.
Stopped at the Argentine market and restaurant to get some empanada dough. Will make chicken empanadas sometime in the next couple of days.
The reflection of the same new hotel in another building. It sure is red.
The RV is still at the RV doctor - seems to be a lot of doctoring going on. Waiting for a couple of batteries to be delivered. Stopped at Pharmacy to pick up Bill's antibiotics. Only three days worth. Pharmacist says it is pretty powerful. A powder that has to be dissolved in water then immediately drank. He was pleasantly surprised at the taste, said it was an orange flavor.
Then on home. I fixed one of Bill's favorite meals for his birthday dinner - chicken Paella. Turned out really good.
And on to another day. No errands tomorrow, no chores that need to be done, no doctors that need to be talked to. Whew - hopefully quiet day.
Bill Hope you had a wonderful birthday. HBD
Happy Birthday to Bill! His birthday dinner looks delicious. Hope he had some ice cream and cake in his day.
Nice photos of LV buildings.
Beautiful sunrise photo!! Happy birthday Bill!
Happy Birthday Bill! Love those metal plants..very artsy. Hope you both along with the RV get tuned up and can head south.
Thank you, Thank you everybody!!! the dinner was fantastic so was my beautiful wife. Thank very much again. Bill
Happy Birthday Bill. Miss seeing you in person now that you are in NV and we are in MI. Love, Suzanne and Laughing Womyn
Happy Birthday Bill! Dinner looked great!
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