We are having some wild weather this week. From snowing in the mountains today to maybe 100 by end of week. The wind has been blowing constantly for the last week or so. Bill measured a gust up to 54 mph. Our neighbors patio roof is coming up more and more with each gust. Today the high will be in the 60's. By mid week the low at night will be in the 70's.
Heard some loud noise out front and saw the tree cutter guys across the street from us cutting down some of the big pines. They left the biggest one and cut down a couple smaller ones.
Trimming the branches off first. So far they have left our two big ones in the back yard alone.
We have had a couple of nice sunsets lately, Almost missed this one.
On one of my walks saw these pretty pansies planted in the planters around the tennis courts by the clubhouse. They are such pretty flowers.
Our jasmine is blooming like crazy. We can smell it even with the doors closed. Too bad the blooms don't last longer.
And the Palo Verde is blooming. In a few days it should be loaded with yellow flowers. IF the wind doesn't blow them all off.
Not doing too much. I am still playing with the beaded earrings. Going to start on a new pair, different colors later today. And think I'll do a quilt square on the embroidery machine to see how it turns out. Not sure the pattern will look as nice in real life as it looks on line.
Trimming the branches off first. So far they have left our two big ones in the back yard alone.
We have had a couple of nice sunsets lately, Almost missed this one.
On one of my walks saw these pretty pansies planted in the planters around the tennis courts by the clubhouse. They are such pretty flowers.
Our jasmine is blooming like crazy. We can smell it even with the doors closed. Too bad the blooms don't last longer.
And the Palo Verde is blooming. In a few days it should be loaded with yellow flowers. IF the wind doesn't blow them all off.
Just one of the lantanas. They are all blooming and getting bigger every day.
And out by our front/side door everything is growing great and flowering. Love this time of year. And almost all our plants bloom all summer. Not doing too much. I am still playing with the beaded earrings. Going to start on a new pair, different colors later today. And think I'll do a quilt square on the embroidery machine to see how it turns out. Not sure the pattern will look as nice in real life as it looks on line.
Also been working a bunch of small 150 piece puzzles, they sure go quick. Might even cook dinner tonight. Haven't done any cooking for a while.
What a shame to cut down those trees.
I know - but there must be some reason. They do make the yards dirty. Good to hear from you again.
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