We are still here, haven't melted yet. In fact it is almost cool here now, ONLY 102! We've had some wild weather the last five days. Lots of lightening, thunder and winds up to 50-55 mph. Our part of town did not get a drop of rain but other parts got a lot. We will be having a cool spell for a few days. But comes with maybe rain and for sure high winds. Don't believe what this says about winds 'cause every time a little rain moves through the winds pick way up for a few hours.
A couple of weeks ago we had to get a new scanner. Got a cheap Epson. I installed it and it worked. Then my old computer got a few automatic updates and scanner no longer worked. Tried every thing I could think of and nothing worked. GRRR. So ordered a new one, a HP printer scanner. Should be here this coming week. Also have to take my embroidery machine back into repair shop. For some reason the thread keeps breaking every few stitches. So we are so excited we are having an outing to look forward to. Between the heat and the rise in Covid cases here (99% vaccinated) we pretty much just stay home. Make grocery runs very early in the morning...and that is about it. Quite a few businesses are now requiring masks again. Works for me. I think we've seen EVERY Christmas movie Hallmark has made!
After reading some of your local news I see that almost all hospitalization cases of covid are in the unvaccinated. It's the same everywhere, people are lazy about getting vaccinated or are antivaxxers. I for one will be staying out of crowds and wearing a mask in grocery stores etc. I have pretty vocal opinions about antivaxxers so..I'll keep them to myself😉. Stay safe.
We are in stage 3 but masks are still required indoor public places. Fine with me.
Good to see your post. Sadly our county in WV is 54 out of 55 counties for having the most unvaccinated residents but that was last week so who knows about today. Try as I may I just cannot wrap my head around some of the reasons people do not take the vaccination. It is sad at the very least. We stay home and wait to see how this will play out and hope by Fall we can make plans to travel to Mexico for a few months come Winter. Stay well and stay safe. (I really miss you when there is a long time between posts)
I don't understand the unvaccinated, unless it is a medical reason. Cases are going up here every day. And you can get a vaccination at any pharmacy, drug store, grocery store even they will come to your home. No excuse. There is a walMart, grocery store or Walgreens or CVS on almost every corner. Even the pot selling places are giving them. Get a jab and get a joint for a penny. Now FEMA is here - it is not a lack of vaccination places it is a lack of brains.
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