I forgot to mention - at no time nor any where have we been asked about Covid vaccinations.
I wrote this yesterday.
I woke up about 5:30 and got up. That's what happens when I go to bed early. Here we are parked in Totonaka RV. We paid for a week, but might or might not leave sooner. 
There are maybe 20 other RVs here now. They can't wait until about the third week in November when there should be an influx of Canadians. Those from the US will continue to dribble in.
We went out for breakfast. Nice close place with outdoor seating. It is obligatory to wear a mask every where, except when you are actively eating or drinking. Our view from outdoor table. It was about 81 at 10:00 with a soft breeze.
Bill had ham and cheese omelet; potatoes, fruit and tomatoes. I had French toast, bacon, scrambled eggs and fruit. 175 pesos.We both had coffee. 400 pesos with tip. Very good, except for the flies - oh well, we were outdoors so they were expected.
My little finger - the deformed one - is getting more and more black and blue. But I'm now able to use it to type if I don't put a lot of pressure on it. And just when you think every thing is great - this happens. No wind nothing - just shake, bang and crash. Part of the mechanism arm broke in half.
Broke right at the arrow. Electrical wire pulled apart too. And the light bar on the front of the Jeep got busted yesterday when the Jeep swerved hard. So welder is here fixing it. One down one to go. Glad we had a nice breakfast with a nice view. Oops now he is taking pictures of something under the light bar of the Jeep.
They are going to make a couple of new connections for the safety cables on the front of the Jeep and they took the piece of the awning bracket with them to weld it back together. Will bring them back tomorrow. Mean time awning is flapping around sometimes hanging down sometimes on the roof. No way to secure it. Kind of un-nerving.
So up at 5:30 again. Turned the furnace on so Bill won't freeze when he gets up.
Hopefully we get the awning bracket back and it works. And the new piece, it will just make them easier to hook to, for the safety cables. Also will try to get our Dish Anywhere set up today - though the parks Internet comes and goes but at least it will work part of the time.