This past week was interesting. Some good, some not so good. I hate new computers...
But - on Tuesday The early morning weather was nice and Bill was feeling pretty good. So we went for a walk in the Wetlands. Managed 1.3 miles. I've seen lots of turtles over there but never one just walking down the road.
Bill stopping to check them out. No idea what kind of bush it is. Wonder if it is native to the area or an interloper.
Took Bill to check out The Hidden Pond. Beavers live in it, but have never seen one. There was no wind, water was very still.
Just looking up at the pretty blue sky and trees. Formed kind of a tunnel over the trail. Every time I see a "tree tunnel" I remember our friend and fellow RVer "Tioga George. Miss his blogs.
Part of the children's play ground, the fish swimming up stream.
Another different bush or tree. Looks like it is growing peas. See these in Mazatlan a lot. Or something a lot like them.
Bill stopping again to check out a weird tree. It has two completely different types of leaves growing on it. Both kinds of leaves are coming out of the same branch.
Wonder if the skinny ones are a parasite of some sorts.
Yesterday and today we had appointments with at the heart doctors. Testing both days. See him in July for results. We - mostly me, cause I had to do all the computer work and calling - stressful week. And all because of a stupid mistake I made with Bill's new computer. More about that later. My blood pressure was up to 180 over 70. Need to watch it over the weekend. Going to do nothing but watch racing. And work puzzles. Got a box set of five different ones. This one is 500 pieces. It took a while to finish. The shades of the locators are very close. Also the wrong pieces fit in the wrong places, until you go to add another piece and it won't go there. And wait until I tell you about the mayonnaise jar. Next time.
Makes me smile to see Billout and about. Thank you for such great pictures. Dirk
The beans are mesquite pods. The native Americans used to pick them from the trees, dry them, and grind them into flour. They can have worms in them, and some types taste better than others, but after drying and grinding into flour, they make a nourishing sort of bread. Most importantly, it was a food that stored easily.
Dirk - He enjoyed the walk and so did I. Just wish he could do it more often. Now it is getting too hot to walk outside here even early in the morning.
Judy - thank you. I looked this morning at them and should have realized they were on the mesquite tree/bush.
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