The header is a picture I took yesterday at sunset. We had had a good rain shower. Here is another one taken at same time. Kind of eerie out. Last night with the rain we had some lightening and thunder, but not bad at our part of valley.
Took this picture about 9:30 - hasn't been this cool for months. Thought about walking, but humidity was 73% - ick.
Been working on this for a while. Bill bought me a set of pictures mostly with sunsets of some sort. So will be busy for a while. No idea what I'll do with them when they are finished. I still need to get the butterfly and sunflower ones framed. Maybe end of the week after the rain I'll go to JoAnn's or someplace to try to find frames. From just under the blue sky it is done to the bottom.
A closer look at the process. Some of the little letter or numbers are hard to read. Have to pay attention.
I took the next two pictures from the TV. This on is of a walking path in one of the parks closer to the mountains. With yesterday afternoons micro-burst rain there was this much moving water. Our son was out driving in it. Said he couldn't see more than a few feet in front of him and rain was coming down sideways.
Forecast for tomorrow and rest of week. Glad we don't have to go anywhere.
Not much going on. Made a pineapple upside down cake and have eaten almost half of it. My favorite cake. Probably just going to be reading and watching TV if we have a signal tomorrow.