For some reason I just haven't felt like sitting down and writing. So here I am today. Went walking this morning got in 2.77 miles, so I don't feel like doing anything but sitting for now. The weather has finally cooled down enough to to be nice to get out and walk in the morning. Also walked Saturday morning. Did 2.75 miles. Took me until today to recover...
Really nice weather for the next week or so. Very small chance of rain a couple of days and some windy days. Can live with that.. 
For sure don't need any more rain. This is the back of our home, where the water went under the house.
The almost dry drainage ditch that caused all the problems. It had rapids it was so full and flowing so fast.
I mentioned we are at the higher part of the street, so there is the water line where the ditch started to overflow. Just before the house. The wood on the right is the crawl hole to go under the house. Remember this is a manufactured home so it sits up on jacks/stilts. Saturday we have someone coming to crawl under there to make sure the jacks weren't undermined by the rushing water. Sure hope not.
The front corner of the house where it is just hanging in the air. All the dirt and rocks ended up in the street and before we could get the mess back up on the yard the street sweeper came and swept all the dirt and rocks up. The wood you can see is the skirting that goes around the exterior of the house to cover the crawl space. The actual bottom of the house is up higher.
A kind of pretty sunset one of the nights after the rains.
One thing that has been keeping me busy is our new TV. We got a Roku TV. Big learning curve there for both of us. Here is Bill watching a Miami soccer game. One of the reasons we got the Roku, can only watch Miami and Messi on Apple TV MLS. For Bill to see TV good it has to be as dark as possible. His eye is improving a lot, but still has trouble with regular things unless it is really bright light. Like using the remote control. It is a challenge for him. He got another shot in eye last week and could read all but the last line of the eye chart. Huge improvement.
One morning's sunrise over the Wetlands.
Another diamond dot painting. Really like this one. Picture doesn't do it justice.
Hanging on the wall along with other "water" pictures. When the light is on in this room it really sparkles.
Lots more been going on, but will leave it for later. Just trying to catch. up.