Big weather change Winter has arrived. Still good for walking during the day but really is cooling off at night now. Bill has turned the electric blanket on his side on a couple of times already. 
I have finished my Christmas place mats. Turned out okay. They look better than the picture shows.We are debating about getting all the Christmas stuff out of the shed. Maybe one day next week when he is feeling good. For the last 15 winters I've thought I wanted to decorate at least one more time. But now I'm having second thoughts. Lots of boxes out there. Lots of work for a couple of weeks. We'll see.
Been walking regularly in the Wetlands. We had some heavy winds a few days ago and looks like they did some rearranging of some of the art work over there. Also some of them are now Titled. This was my favorite.
Its title - I guess...
This is what it looks like now after the winds. Still kind of pretty.
This one is fine, just finally got a Title.
Kind of makes me go HUMM...
And this one too got a title.
Been walking three times a week, get in about three miles each trip. We don't walk fast, more like strolling. But heck we are doing something good for ourselves. Thank goodness the Formula 1 race is over, but found out they have a ten year contract. Oh my, hope by next year they have a few things figured out about traffic. 315,000 people came into town to watch it. Now they are taking down all the lights, fences and viewing areas. Won't be done till about Christmas. So roads still closed. Took some pictures off the TV. This shows the track. the part between the buildings is The Strip.
Bright white road is The Strip. Race was at 210 to midnight. I hope no one in hotels was trying to sleep.
One of the corners and the Sphere. I watched about a half hour of it.
The receiver for the Dish TV quit working for good this time. So I took the one we very seldom use in our bedroom and hooked it up to the TV Bill watches the most. Worked okay so far. Then hooked the not working one to the bedroom TV just to see if it worked there. Didn't. Called Dish - got a technician who basically inferred I didn't know how to hook up the box. That only their technicians could do that. (what a jerk) Set me off. Got to talk to a supervisor and they are sending me a new box. Told me to just throw out the old one. She believed I could hook it up with no problems. Bill's ear has not bothered him since he changed medication. Thank goodness. Well thought we were going to run errands, but long-Covid has struck again, Bill is exhausted again. The antihistamine isn't working any more.