Our 6th day home and they have been unusual days in every way. But to regress. The first three pictures are from my last walk in the Wetlands before we took the trip. My fellow walkers are dressed for a winter walk. I wear shorts and a t-shirt and light weight long sleeved shirt. Guess I'm weird, but I am almost always hot. 
The mountains with a little snow on them, this was middle of January.
A bird we hadn't seen before, no idea what he is.
So we are home now. The weather for the next few days will be kind of normal or a little above the normal of 64. The last few days have been cooler as we've had continual rain, heavy at times. And this morning lots of fog in the valley with the traffic accidents documenting it. I did not take this picture it was taken by a neighbor two days before we left Mazatlan. Yesterday the mountains got another 6 inches of snow. Talking about snow and rain. There was a story on TV that Lake Mead's water level has risen 35 feet since 2022. That is very good news.
We are usually not home for Saint Patrick's Day so I was thrilled to get out my decorations that I've had for years. Just a window hanging.
I only have two sun catcher instead of the usual four. But I found two new patterns so maybe before SP Day, I'll get them made and hung. in window.
Placemats and table decorations. I like to change things out with the seasons. I need two more green candles, but no one sells tapered candles any more, except in white. I can buy them on line, but in lots of 12 or more, don't want them that bad.
Had a pretty sunrise on Monday. I thought good start to the day...little did I know...
While outside taking that picture I happened to look at my bathroom windows. I usually don't have the light on in there when I'm outside. Kind of pretty from outside.
A few minutes later on the other side of the house, rain and mist over the Wetlands
Remember all the pretty flowers in our front yard. All gone for the winter. Looks so strange.
We've had a couple of hiccups since we got home. For the life of us we cannot find a couple of items that we should have. The major one being Bill's two new pairs of glasses, a minor one my USB drive. Have looked everywhere we might have put them after unpacking. Especially the glasses. They must have not got packed. Though we both checked the whole hotel room before we left. I'm thinking they were on the bed in the rumpled bedspread and just got overlooked. Both can be replaced but still...We were both tired when we got home and still had things to do so got tireder - is that a word? Bill was stressed about the glasses and stress can bring on the long covid exhaustion. So by Saturday morning he was down for the count spent most of day Saturday and all of Sunday in bed. Monday morning he was up when I got up, said he felt okay. Went back to bed a while later for a nap. Soon he was back up and complaining about chest pain. It didn't go away. So off we go to emergency room. Long story short, he was admitted to hospital. Several tests run, kept overnight for more tests yesterday. Prognosis - he is fine, no new heart problem. All test results were good. Pain could have been brought on by stress, being in unusual position causing muscle pain, or they aren't sure. But not the heart. So he is home and rested and we are both relieved. Now hope things become boring and normal. Driving back and forth to hospital was my first time driving in rain in a very long time. Today is blue sky.