A cloudy, cool and windy Saturday today. We went out to breakfast, but then headed back to the hotel. The Uber to Torres was one price, but by the time we were ready to go back to hotel the prices had gone up due to Carnival! Carnival is in full swing; it started Thursday and goes to next Tuesday at midnight. The rates at the hotel we are staying at went from 850 to 1000 Pesos a day. Mornings are quiet, but traffic roars up and down the main street until wee hours of the morning. I hate especially the razars with their roaring engines and music at more than full blasts.
So we go back a few days of just things. The early morning watering of the center divider. I wonder what his job description says. "Willing to stand on top of water tank while it is moving. Hang on for dear life while using hose to water plants." At least this one has a wooden barrier around the waterer. Some just have a chair to sit on or a pipe to hold on to!
After breakfast we walked across street to Las Jaibas, the RV park we've spent so many years in. Now there are buildings going up where the last of the jungle was. When we left last March the area to the right had over 100 palm trees and lots of bushes in it. Now...Two buildings. The building with orange roof is RV park office.
They will be able to jump out of their windows into the RV park's pool. There are no RV's down this side of the park any more. Just empty spaces. There are about 20 RV's in park, but only a few are old timers. No plans to close the RV park though we were glad to hear.
Looking at the new building from the Park's patio. We were talking about all the things that used to go on in this patio. Chili cook offs, children dancing, Christmas and Thanksgiving dinners just to name a few. Not any more. Sad.
Went to Torres restaurant again for dinner with friends. Ismael one of the waiters with a drink on his head. Love to watch him deliver them.
Bending down so the lady can take it off his head. We've never seen him drop one. He even goes up and down stairs with no problem.
Here he is mixing some kind of flaming drink. He is a great waiter.
As I said the plaza was full of people having a good time.
Lots of horses for riding.
We went in the leather shop we used to go into. We knew the owner well, unfortunately he and his father both passed away from Covid a few years ago. The shop now sells more trinkets than hand made leather goods. These masks are leather but are made by a man who lives in another town.
Enjoying a ride. In front of the hotel/restaurant.
We did stop in Roberto's leather shop. A saddle he has made. The silver work on it.
Bill talking to Roberto, his wife Jessie is in the red dress. We have know them for years. She used to manage the tequila distillery. The saddle is in the front of this picture.
Their son who used to be a little boy. When we first started going to La Noria many years ago all the little boys would bring the tourist women flowers they had picked from the surrounding bougainvillea. The town has become more sophisticated since then. Good for the town, but the people visiting there now are missing a lot of little things.
We didn't stay long, just too many people there. Another instance of missing the jeep and not being able to go back on a quieter day.
1 comment:
So many good memories. We're so glad you went back this year. Hoping we are down there next winter for a bit. Hugs.
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