Been a busy week. And weather wise - I guess you could call it interesting. One day it was sunny and almost 80 - the next WINDY and 57 as the high. Today the wind has let up and supposed to be around 60. Easter is over so those decorations put away and Spring table runner out. Also flower suncatchers in kitchen window.
We've managed to get a couple of walks in the wetlands. And saw a little drama out there. A nice pond that we always stop at. That day the Canadian Geese were there along with a couple of coots and a mallard duck. Notice the posture of the geese. A couple of minutes before I took this picture another couple of geese had flown over. Lots of honking from all four of them. Thought that was the end of it. But notice in upper right corner - here come the interlopers towards the pond,.
The two on land were honking there toenails out,. And looking very aggressive.
As soon as the new lones landed the two on land jumped in the water and headed for them. Notice the one behind the reeds with the wings spread way out.
WOW - did they ever go after each other.
And kept at it. Lots of wing flapping and twisting of long necks.
Then the two females got into it also. GOOSE FIGHT or would that be GEESE FIGHT !!!
The original two finally ran off the other two. He/she is watching them fly a ways away.
Peace has settled in again.
He is still looking around and being a little aggressive looking.
LOOK! I finally have my ducks in a row.
Finished my quilt. Now I don't know what to do with it. Hung it over the back of the love seat for now.
We finally made it over to the Ford dealership to get the fuse for the RV. Actually had to make two trips (they had to have them brought from another dealership, so picked them up the next day) and got two fuses - total $6 - cost more in gas then the they cost. Gas here is now pushing five dollars a gallons. Have 13 days to
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