Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Little things

Today is 100 days since we left home. The last 16 days have been four months long!
One of my biggest peeves is when a software program makes unexpected changes to its software. Most of the time it is not an improvement - more of a well crap! And my second peeve along the same line is when suddenly the program demands you change your password. And it has to have capital letters, symbols and be 10 figures long. Well nuts. I'm lucky to remember what day it is. How am I going to remember 17 different passwords for different accounts. I know it is for my protection, but sometimes it protects me right out of the account. And then I have to come up with another password with different rules. Sometimes I feel like putting Wh@ttheHe1! I like the old lady whose password was "incorrect" because that was what her computer kept telling her. Your password is incorrect!
Like I said little things amuse simple minds especially when you don't have much to do. Yesterday we were watching a couple of iguanas fighting over a mango tree. Can you see the orange tail. He came along and went up the tree. Boy they can move fast when they want to. 
This one was in the tree. We had no idea he was up there.  He suddenly fell out of the tree PLOP.
This guy is bigger so I guess he thought it was his tree. See his head over on the right in the leaves. 
He looks like he is a little pissed about the whole thing. Eventually he went to another tree. Once they get up the trees they are sure hard to see.

This morning's sunrise. A good way to start the day. 

It is always hard to decide what picture to post so I went with the all. 
Glory be. The machines around us didn't start up at the crack of dawn as usual, it is 8:00 and they just started. But it will be a noisy day as they are dumping loads and loads of dirt right behind us.
I was looking back through some old blogs and came across this one  It was our trip home the year Bill had the surgery here in Mazatlan for his prostrate.  Made me wonder how this year's trip to the border will be. I think if he could he would leave tomorrow. But there has been somewhat of a set back with his health. He now has an infection - the same kind he had then - which is being treated with antibiotics. And we all know how much he likes them. 


Jackie McGuinness said...


Carol and Bill said...

so that is why we are still holed up.

Contessa said...

Yikes to the infection. Hang in there.