Sunday, July 21, 2024

Things getting done.

Gardeners came on last Thursday to clean up the tree mess. This is how it used to look - in the spring. 

This is how it looks now. At least the bushes under it will get a lot of sunshine now. 
While they were working we got hit with a sudden unexpected rain storm. The gardeners are waiting it out on the patio.
Just after the storm the water is about four or five inches deep in the drainage channel. Makes me nervous when it gets high and running fast. 
More rain out over the desert. 

A very short video of our rain storm. Sure was loud and heavy while it lasted. Turn on you sound. 

It continues to be pretty warm here  If we do have to go somewhere we go out by 7:30 while it is only in the 90's! So I've been working on another diamond dotz painting.  It is finished now, just have to frame it.  Nicer looking than the picture shows. My camera is starting to give me problems. One of them being not showing colors they way it should. 
And I am still sewing some. Working on my third "fall theme" throw pillow covering. All the leaves are the same size and I still have/want to make one more. Then I'll need to figure out how to use them to make the cover. I have to sew early in the day as that room gets the afternoon sun and really heats up. 
We are getting no relief at all this year. Been over 100 since the end of May. Been over 110 most of that time. And a week of over 115. It is not cooling down at night. So AC comes on before 7 in the morning. Getting tired of it. 
That is it for now. More to share but will do that later. 


Nancy Kissack said...

Seems like a hot summer for everyone! Wouldn't be so bad if it would just cool down at night. Love your dot picture!!!

SandyM said...

I like how your tree looks since it was trimmed…kinda of lacy and free form.

Carol and Bill said...

Nancy - The dot pictures are fun, trouble is what to do with them when they are finished. It is never going to cool down here it seems.
Sandy - The tree does look nice, our neighbor said that now she could see the mountain again. Whoops.