Wednesday, July 31, 2024

AC maids sewing

Sure am hoping that August isn't as hot as June and July have been. Though it is not looking good. But looks like next week we might be getting some rain. Hope so it cools it down for a little while., This is the clock/thermometer by Bill's computer. I don't spend much time in this room any more., Noticed temperature in lower right hand corner. His computer desk sits right over the vent so not much cool air gets to the room. Ceiling fan in there runs 24/7. So far since end of May we have had 67 days of 100+. Over half of them have been over 110.. Yesterday and today it is cool ONLY 105/107.
We are still arguing with the home warranty service about our air conditioner losing its freon. Been going on since June 23. So far they have sent 3 different companies out here. And tried to send two others who said either, we don't work in your area or we don't do that kind of work. The main AC unit is working fine and not leaking. First company said it has to be the Linset pipe under the house that is leaking. Company who came last week says the main unit in  house - furnace unit - is working fine. No leaks. I told him about pipe under house, he looked, took picture and said we don't do that. But they would let warranty company know.  So who does it if not an HVAC air conditioning, heating and plumbing company. Warranty company tried to send regular plumber, they don't do that.The freon costs $130 a pound our unit takes 13 pounds!!!  Freon is not covered by warranty company. This year we only needed 3 pounds. But last year we took 11 pounds. OUCH. So on list today another call to warranty company. 

I took this picture a week or so ago, this is the third of my "fall" throw pillow covers in its beginning stage. Looks a lot different now as the front of it is almost done. But this is the idea. 
I got this diamond painting done and even framed. The lighting for the picture wasn't good, much prettier and brighter than it looks here. 
Here I am working on another small one. 
Do I have a lot of time on my hands...seems like it. One reason is our son is sending his cleaning ladies over at least every other week. So I have very little to do cleaning wise any more. I'm not complaining, not at all. (I did mop the floor the other day and it wore me out. - When did I get so old?) But with the time on my hands I am doing other things. Getting rid of clothes I don't wear any more - took seven bags to Goodwill. Also cleaning cupboards that really don't need it and the other day I cleaned out the curio cabinets. Well they did need it. How does dust get inside a closed cabinet? 
Bill has been doing really good lately. Many more good days than bad. Here he is cooking us dinner. 
Milensea covered with sauteed onions and mushrooms. YUM. 
Unfortunately a couple days later he had a bad session with the long covid. Was in bed for a couple of days. Never know when it will attack him. One hour he is fine the next hour he can barely function. I guess because he had so many good days this time it really was depressing. Thought maybe it was gone. Took him three or four days to recover. 
I got a surprise email the other day from The Wetlands. The person who keeps track of the walkers miles had been out for quite a while, She must have come back to work as the email said My reward for reaching 100 miles this year was ready for me to pick up.???? I reached the 100 miles this year a couple of months ago before we quit walking because of the heat. Any way my friend who also got her reward DROVE over there to pick up our Journals and Pen. Guess we are supposed to journal what we do and see on our walks. Sure wish it would cool down as we both miss the walks. It doesn't get cooler than 85 here at night any more. So by 7 a.m. it is already in the high 90's

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