Monday, September 2, 2024

So much for cooling down

Well here we go again with the super hot weather. Only good thing to say about it is it isn't going over 110! Seems like the summer that will never end. Since the last week of May we've had over 90 days over 100, about half of them over 110. Four record making says, two at 118, one at 119 and one 120. Enough already!

We did have three days of below 100 a week or so ago. Silly us we thought it was turning to fall. Those three days it also cooled down into the 70s at night so my friend and I did manage two walks in the Wetlands. Our second walk I took these pictures. And boy did we over estimate our endurance. Walked almost three miles. Way to much. Need to remember that we have to ease up to the mileage. We're not spring chickens any more!
We saw lots of bunnies, glad to see them repopulating since the flooding a year ago. 
Also saw some water fowl; the water in the pond was up pretty high. 
Another bunny, he was so busy eating he didn't move as we went by him. 
And lots of flowers blooming.
He just strolled across the walk in front of us. No coyote chasing him I guess. 
Haven't seen him since spring. 
Ducks I guess.
Not sure what he is, hard to get a good picture with all the foliage around him. Sure has a long beak. 
Lots of these little daisies/sunflowers growing all over. 
Then it got hot again, so more or less confined to the house. Another of the Christmas diamond paintings. Kind of cute. Always hard to get a good picture of them. It is brighter and sparklier (?) then this picture looks. Amazing how much detail they can get into these. 
Also started sewing again. Decided I needed something for Halloween. So using one of my  table placemats as an idea I made this throw pillow cover. I might make another one if I can figure out a design. Maybe ghosts and bats. 
Can't believe it is September already.  August wasn't a good month for Bill. Seemed like he had more not so good days than good ones. He really wants to get out of here for a short trip some where. So we'll see. 

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