Sunday, October 6, 2024

Still being crafty and still hot here

 Yes - summer is still with us. Still over 100 for a couple more days. During the last week it has set lots of hot day records. Got up to 107 one day. But at least it is cooling down enough at night that we've been able to get out and walk early in the mornings. The header is a picture I took yesterday of a coyote out there. It was watching us as we watched it. Thought it was nice of it to stand still so I could get a good picture. It looks well fed! But the last couple of walks we haven't seen any bunnies!!! The water fowl are returning. Pictures later. 

Put up my Halloween decorations. This is the finished witch pillow cover. Turned out cute.

And now I've started on a set for Christmas.  No idea what the next two will look like. This one I already had the strips for the tree cut so no brainer to use them. 
Things I've made for Halloween in the past. A door hanging. It has two more panels but couldn't get them in the picture. 
My table place mats. 
And the three completed pillow covers. Notice the one on the right matches the place mats - kind of. 
Made these a long time ago. Hard to get decent picture of them cause of the light behind them.
Not too much going on around here. Think our home air conditioner has lost all its gas again as it surely is not working right.  The energy company who installed the thermostat keeps sending me messages that I have a problem, it is getting too hot in the house. No kidding. Just too many days of hot weather this summer I guess. Will call the home warranty people tomorrow. UGH. 
Also the back wall is still not up. but they are getting closer to us. Here is a picture of the old wall that was damaged in the flood. Part of it was knocked down in the back part of the community - the part by us just had the foundation damaged on the wetlands side. So the whole thing is being replaced. They also took out the part of the drainage ditch wall right under the cinder blocks. 
Took this picture yesterday from the Wetlands. See our dead or dying pine tree on the right. One thing after another. 
About four houses down from us. The was is going up. It will be the same height as the old wall. Same color and construction just newer. 
Still have not heard from "Jimmie" about our rocks they knocked into the ditch or the chunk they knocked out of our retaining wall while cleaning up the wall debris. 
Just took these, the new wall is about two houses from us. I see they moved the porta potty closer to us. Rocks still in ditch.
These are right behind our home. By tomorrow afternoon, we should have the columns up. The lines in the ditch are shadows from the rebar. 
Just rough cement under wall foundation and our rocks along with a lot of other debris are still in the ditch. 
That's about it for now.