Sunday, October 13, 2024

It is finally cooling down here in Vegas.

It is finally cooling down here in Vegas. Finally under 100, only 96 today and 99 yesterday. Check out next Saturday and Sunday. Need to get out Bill's long johns!

In July and August we were having our yearly problems with our home AC. Click here for post about it. It has been leaking freon for a couple of years. Every one who checked it out and added gass$$$$ said they had fixed it. Well the last time someone was here they put dye in the linset line and now we know for sure that the line (under the house, of course, is leaking. About a week and a half ago the AC was no longer blowing cold air. just a wisp of cool air was coming out. So another call to the home warranty service and back came the AC company who put the dye in the line. They looked under the house and said Yep it is leaking. Oh good, so you can fix it right? Well nope, we don't go under manufactured homes...&^%$# - but you can put some gas in it until we find someone who GOES under manufactured homes. NOPE, can't put gas in when there is a leak. What? @#$%^!@#$ Can't do it, we will call the warranty company tell them what is going on and they'll find someone who works on manufactured homesOkay they did. Out came a new company named - wait for it - Snow Frosty AC. So it is fixed now right? Wrong - they don't crawl under the any house. So they suggest the AC gets moved from back of house to side of house then they can run a new shorter linset line.  And pour a new pad and rewire the whole thing. They will talk to warranty company. Will also have to get approval from the company that owns this place. This was Friday. Today got an email from warranty co. They are "Estimate: Processing   "

Hummm.... Glad it is getting cooler here. 

Any way  - it has been cool enough to get out walking in the mornings. After taking the summer off we are not getting in as many steps/miles as we were in the spring. Only about 2 to 2 1/2 miles.  On Wednesday we did 3 miles. I was tired for two days. So we've decided we will go slow and not so far. The header is a coyote, I talked to the people in the Nature Center and they said coyote, only Kit Fox here and they are smaller. We are seeing more and more water fowl. Even some different ones. 

Only seen this one once, it is gray with white spots. 
For some reason we aren't seeing many bunnies lately. Maybe that is why the coyote looks so healthy and fat. A few other things we've seen. There was a smaller cross here last year then it was gone, now has been replaced with a bigger one. 
Some fall color showing up. The spot of yellow. 
And another cross - this one carved into the tree...why do people do this. 
The gate that goes into the Wetlands is back up and working, so we don't have to get in car and drive over there to walk any more. 
Not much else going on. Will try to write more often. Managing to keep house cool with all the ceiling fans running 24/7. And opening doors early while it is cool out. 

1 comment:

Grandma on the Road said...

Your AC story is ridiculous! Like a Catch 22. So who installed it in a place where it could not be serviced?? Like I really doubt you told the installer to put it in such a place!! And shouldn't the people who manage the park have rules for where AC units are placed??

By the way, now is a good time to start planning what you are going to do and where to go where it will not be so horribly hot.