More Joshua Trees and here and there along the side of the road were bunches of white flowers. This is the best picture I could get of them.
WHY so the bugs always land smack dab in the middle of the windshield - right in front of where I always take my pictures.
More white flowers, not so many Joshua trees.
A small stretch of the road was curvy - most of it was pretty straight. Not a whole lot of traffic during the day.
Passing slowly passing through Caliente - VERY SLOWLY - a warning sign said speed reduced ahead and then a 25MPH sign. Whoa. This is the Union Pacific Railroad Station built in 1923 in Caliente. It was originally used as a hotel, restaurant, telegraph office and station.
Got Pioche about 11:30 - uneventful drive. We are staying in the Roll Inn RV park - all five spaces of it. It's not bad, level gravel spaces. Pull in right off Main Street. Nice laundry room and good WiFi. $25 per night. That is the only tree in the park. But gave us some shade as the sun set.

Pioche was an old silver mining town. Established around 1867. By 1870 it was the largest mining town in southeastern Nevada. Population about 10,000 people by 1871. The town gained the reputation of the "toughest town" worse than Tombstone even. Of course there were more men than women in town. Soon women started arriving by stage coach and getting the men to marry them and the town started to be civilized. Here is a great story about the single men and women taming them.
The Opera House was built in 1873 and is being restored. The movie theator was showing movies until 2003.
The Overland Hotel was built in 1940. It is a working hotel that supposedly has a ghost.
Not sure about this place, Old mining oar cart on roof. Glad the AC was working in Willie, it made it to 95 here today, even at 6000 feet. We did a lot of driving and very little walking.
In the late 1800's this small building was used as the lending library. It was refurbished in 1984 to become the Chamber of Commerce.
Oddfellows Lodge was built in 1872. It was originally a hardware store.
Rebuilt after a fire in early 1900's building once had the first telephone operating system. It has a false front "Pioneer" style and treatment of fake brick tin.
The Commercial Club was built in 1865 The original firehouse is the smaller structure on the right.
We ate lunch here.
Much in need of restoration. Not sure what it is/was.
The Lincoln County Court House. Construction started in 1871. Original cost was supposed to be $26,000 for the court house and a jail. Due to cost over runs the price eventually ballooned to $800,000. It was finally paid off in 1936 - three years after it was no longer in use.
Just inside the front door the main hallway with offices off to the sides. Original flooring.
One of the law offices. The building is just a museum now. Not used.
Nice door stop. An old spittoon.
Stairs going up to more offices and the courtroom.
Oops - a trial is under way. Need to be quiet.
I think I know one of the jurors.
And this is only a small part of what we saw and did. Went to Boot Hill which has an interesting story in itself. More tomorrow.
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