Wednesday morning dawned nice and pretty. Needed to get out and about for a while. But first had to fill our stomachs. At Torres of course. See the guy up on the ladder. The dang ladder was moving every time he moved. He is trimming the foliage with a machete!
After breakfast a ride to Centro. Haven't been down this street, so why not go there today. The hood of the Jeep is almost like a mirror.
A really, really red building. Looks great though.
Same street other side.
Kept going on same street. That is a beautiful tree. Guess the blue building is empty with no roof.
I wonder did they run out of paint. I like the shape of the front of the building. It too is an empty building. Door and window boarded up.
Some graffiti. Reminds me of the Covid virus. Nasty looking thing.
Have seen this years ago. It is starting to fade a little.
Two different homes.
That one is kind of strange looking building. Not sure I like the color either. The guy selling Calla Lilies. I wonder how many he actually sells in a day.
I don't remember seeing this building before, maybe they just repainted it. Pretty building. Must have been important at one time.
Only stop we made was at the bakery, I stayed in the car while Bill went in. He got a couple of cinnamon rolls and two huge crescent rolls
I've been trying to get a picture of this statue for years. Taking it from a moving car is a challenge and finding it without lots of people around it is even more of a challenge. Today we were stopped for traffic and no one was around it. Had to take it through the window from the other side of the street but at last I got it. Monument to The Sinaloa Family.
And then home.
And then home.
Sitting here in windy, rainy BC I am REALLY enjoying your posts Carol, even more than usual! We are definitely living vicariously through your blog!! Thanks friend!!
We sure enjoy your tours of town. What a colorful place!
Are any more northerners starting to filter into the RV park, now that a new year is upon us?
Woke to a grey morning and my first thought was of waking at Torres and having breakfast on the balcony.
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