Another view of The Sphere on the Strip. It is amazing what they are able to do with it. Some day hope to see it in person.
Here is Bill busy again, cleaning out garage. Full of dirt and dust that is still blowing around from the flood. A while ago I came across an article on line about using antihistamines for relieving symptoms of long Covid. (If you want to read it ) Two weeks ago Bill started to take one Zyrtec a day. He was already taking Famotidine 2 a day for his touchy stomach, it is also an antihistamine. Since then he has been able to be quite active. Yesterday he did have a very short episode of fatigue. Laid down for about an hour and got up feeling fine again. Before he had to sleep at least three hours for the fatigue to go away. We have our fingers crossed that this keeps working. I have also read that the booster has helped a large percentage of long covid sufferers feel better. Doctors think the booster might hunt down some of the remaining virus and get rid of it. So going to make appointment for booster.
I guess some one brings their horse out there to ride. Have seen the hoof prints a couple of times. Of course there is a big sign No Horses. But I guess if you don't get caught...
The two black ducks - sleeping in the still pond.
Just more of the damage the flood caused. The river is right down there so it really got high to do this damage.
Our weather has been delightful for about six days. That is Mount Charleston the mountain on the west side of Las Vegas. Got two inches of snow, but is already melted. We got a short heavy rain but no flooding.
Just wondering who did this and why? An arrow with 800 written on the sidewalk???
Another view of the snow capped mountains behind The Strip.
More water fowl in the calm part of the river. There is so much trash hung up on the weeds and bridge supports. Saw a kitchen chair and a small couch along with lots of trash.
This didn't used to have moving water - it was complete dry. Guess someone lost their trash can.
Same area the river is to the right out of the picture.
Good information. Hopefully the clean up crew will come soon.
Walking along one of the nice undamaged trails. So peaceful. But haven't heard many birds sign lately. And have only see a couple of bunnies in all our walks.
This bush is blooming.
Kind of a berry looking plant.
We walked about 1 and 3/4 hours. But also did some sitting down during that time too. So nice to be out and about when the weather is nice.
I think I mentioned that Eric takes Xyzaal which is the third generation in that family of antihistamines. Zyrtek is second generation and its noted that it may cause more drowsiness than Xyzaal in case Bill has problems. A nap for our old guys is not a bad thing😊
he tried xyzall and wanted to sleep all night and day.
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