I mentioned we have started walking again. So here are more pictures from the Wetlands. We also went into the Nature Center and found out there is a Wetlands Walkers association. So we now log in our walks. So far we've been doing between 2.5 to 2.75 miles a walk. Most of the ponds have a lot of reeds growing in them. We can hear ducks but not see them.
Verns Pond. Still covered with an algae of some kinds.
Did see some ducks there. They leave a trail behind them as the swim around. About nine of them were out and about.
Our stop in the Nature Center. First time I've been in there. Will go back another day and spend more time there. Getting ready for Halloween.
Some one has a sense of humor.
Another building at the Nature Center. So much information there. And lots of goodies to buy!
Magnetic glow in the dark butterflies. Really pretty.
Several displays with lots of info about the Wetlands.
Under water, on the water and above the water creatures.
The power of water - no kidding. We still have no reply from the management of where we live. They have replaced the area where the big block wall came down. They replaced it with a wood plank fence, just to keep people and animals out. The wall actually belongs to the County. Good luck with getting it fixed.
Saturday morning when we went walking. Very overcast all day. The only picture from that walk. I hadn't felt really good since Friday afternoon, so didn't walk too far, just under 2.5 miles.
By the time I got home I was really not feeling well, got worse as the day went on. I think now that it was probably food poisoning. Friday I'd bought some macaroni salad and when I ate some of it I thought - hum...this tastes different. Usually I buy it from WalMart, so thought it was just a slightly different recipe. Then I went on to eat more of it for dinner. Big mistake. Was really sick all night. Think I lost 5 pounds. By Sunday morning somewhat better. Spent most of Sunday on couch watching TV. By evening I was good and eating. Today feel fine, went walking this morning.
Bill continues to feel good. Been almost two weeks without an episode of extreme fatigue.
That's my theory, if in doubt don't eat it!!!
BTW love the curls, is it natural?
I think that green stuff in the pond is a tiny, floating plant called duckweed. If the plant has tiny, round leaves, it is probably duckweed. For obvious reasons, ducks love it! Check it out here. https://www.fs.usda.gov/wildflowers/plant-of-the-week/lemna_minor.shtml
Jackie - no my hair is straight as a stick.
Judy - need to check it out next time we go by there.
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