Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Cooling down here in Vegas.

Watching the news this morning it said Las Vegas is the hottest city in the U.S. No kidding. Though was surprised to not see Phoenix or Tucson in the top five. They have been hotter than us a few times. 

When I say cooling down I just mean we are not at 110 or over. We are now between 103, liveable, and 106 getting hot. At least humidity has let up, it was up in the 40s a couple of days. Makes a big difference. A couple of pictures from Monsoon days when the humidity was high. Then we get the clouds and prettier sunsets. The last 76 days in a row have been over 100. Most of them over 110. 

I have stopped with the throw pillow covers for a while. Still need Christmas ones, but they can wait. So working on a couple of kitchen hand wiping towels. Never used this dish towel so cut it in half and using up some of my chicken material for the tops and some bias binding I already had. Easy and fun to make and using up more things and material. 
We have had a mouse for a couple of months now. I've seen him twice and see his turds almost daily. Always in a different unusual place. Why is he going up on the kitchen window sill? Nothing up there. Also discovered some icks on windowsill in the computer room. He really gets around. Have put out glue traps and bait. And he is still around so resorting to old fashioned wood mouse traps with cheese. Hope they work. Though I hate the thought of killing him, he is so tiny, dark brown and cute! I know, I know. The last place we found signs of him was under the sink in Bill's bathroom. That is where this trap is. Crap! just realized looking at picture I forgot the cheese! So added it just now. 
We would not have noticed him under there if the sink hadn't started leaking like crazy.  So had to call plumber to get it fixed, needed a new faucet and connection. Seems like it is one thing after another now days. 
But maybe Bill would have noticed as mousy was chewing on the toilet paper rolls stored under there. Speaking of which. Has any one else noticed that the toilet paper rolls no longer go from end to end on the paper holder. Now they are at least an inch smaller...Supposedly as many sheets but 1/4 the size.! No wonder using more. 
My last finished project. Diamond art Santa. I got a set of six Christmas pictures. They are hard to get good pictures of. 

Other than that not much else going on. Oh yah, Got a letter that there is going to be a four sided inspection of our area of homes on Sept 4th. So need to remember to take my artificial flowers in from the patio for a few days. Need to walk around to make sure every thing else is okay.  In a few weeks the block wall in our back between us and the Wetlands will be torn down and replaced with a new one. Repairing the damage from when the flooding hit us about a year ago. Wonder how many coyotes we'll get wandering around while it is down. 


Mark said...

I have far more success with peanut butter in the traps then cheese. Hope you get the little bugger.

Anonymous said...

I ve heard that they don't actually don't like cheese have heard starburst candy works. We had a big one it finally got on a

Nancy Kissack said...

Toilet paper rolls are not the only thing shrinking. Practically everything you buy ... especially paper products ... are smaller, but the prices are higher. I use peanut butter on mouse traps. Good luck!!

Anonymous said...

Peanut butter works for us, you don't need much. It's been up to 90F here lately and "that's " way too hot for me!

Anonymous said...

It's Kathy...silly Google!

Grandma on the Road said...

Do you remember how big a 5 cent candy bar was in the50s? Huge!!! Not anymore. And I also vote for peanut butter. It sticks to the traps better and I think mice like it. I caught two in one night and three the next night in a campground in Colorado. Did not stay for the third night, as I was getting tired of disposing of mice that I think came in from the desert.

Carol and Bill said...

Well mouse traps remain empty. All have peanut butter now. Going to put some bacon on a couple to see if that works. H/it is still around keep finding turds in new places.