Wednesday, April 26, 2023

Pictures from walk.

 Went for a walk by myself Sunday morning. Took it easy. Only did 1 and 3/4 miles, but better than nothing. Just the beginning of the walk by the playground. Getting more green daily. A beautiful day.

The first time I've walked through the playground since we've been home. They were just finishing it when we left last year. 
There is a nest with three eggs to play in. 
A pretty area to walk through.
More information about flowers, bees and ants. 
Some play equipment. The bench is made to look like a leaf. 
Some ants to play on.
And an all important bee. 
Coming up on to one of the ponds. 
He is here all the time.
Who wouldn't like walking here. So pretty. 

The Canadian Geese passing over. 
Desert mistletoe in the trees. 
Hi bunny.
He is a jack rabbit. Long ears and legs. 
Spent the afternoon sitting down watching the race - I've seen better racing on Boulder Highway! But it did have a good ending. Still surprised at how quickie I get tired when I do something like taking a walk or running the vacuum or mopping. Need to build up my stamina. 
Bill is still having problems. He'll have a good day when he is up and about, then it takes him two to three days before he has another good day.  Hard on him. 


Jackie McGuinness said...

Poor Bill, give him a hug from us!

Great looking park.

Doug and Nancy said...

Doug said the same thing about the race. We knew you would like the ending! The pictures are lovely. It's so nice to see such a different side of Las Vegas. One generally just thinks of "The Strip". The pictures are so pretty! Slowly but surely we hope you are both getting better.

Carol and Bill said...

Jackie - gave him a couple of hugs.
Doug and Nancy. Because of winning last week he will start on the pole this week. But he has a pos car so probably will not stay up front long.