Friday, June 28, 2024

All over the place blog.

Hello from HE!! - probably cooler there!. All of June has been over 100, except for the two days I had my driving lessons, was only 97 those days. The TV forecasters are saying a couple of days next week will be up to 115!!!  Also we've had a lot of wind - 30/40 miles an hour. Not nice to go out in. Last year our first 100 degree days was June 30th. 

This picture was taken at 7:30 in the morning. Did not cool down below 90 at night for several days. And of course our house AC started acting up. Was low on gas again. Third year in a row. All techs say it shouldn't be loosing gas. So this one said the pipe under the house might have a slow leak. But of course his company doesn't go under houses but they would let the warranty company know . I doubt they will cover that, but have to call them today. It is working good now .
I haven't been doing much around the house, luckily our son continues to send the maids once a week. Not much for them to do except dust, mop and vacuum. But I am glad for them. Too hot for me to clean. 
Our neighbors got this puzzle as a gift. So they asked me if I wanted to do it for them. 1000 pieces. This was the easy part. He wants to glue it and frame it. I enjoy doing puzzles so it was okay with me. A couple of years ago they had me do one and offered to pay me for it. I don't think so. 
Took me about four days, the sky was challenging. But fun.
This map of the highway from Alaska to Argentina showed up on my Face book page. Reminded me of our trip from Los Angeles to Argentina in 1978. In our 24 foot motorhome with five kids. In 2005 we drove from Las Vegas up to Fairbanks Alaska. So we have gone almost the whole route. Where the red line is in Alaska  is as far north as we went to Fairbanks. And the red line in Argentina is as far south as we went to Mar Del Plata. The other red route is a trip we took while there up to northern Argentina, to Paraguay then on to Brazil to Rio de Janeiro then back down through Uruguay in the RV.  We flew from Panama to Columbia and the RV went on a cargo ship. 
This is the road we took from Chili to Argentina. This is a recent picture, it hasn't changed a bit. This picture also just showed up on my Facebook page. 
All of us, well just half of me and Gil, in the campground in Mar del Plata. 
The campground, spent the summer there. Paul and Gil on the pony. 
I am still working on "fall" themed   throw pillow covers. Making one now that will somewhat like this table place mat. 
Some of the material. Have two of the squares made. 
Had three made when I realized I didn't have enough of the blue cloudy material to finish them. 
That is all I had left, but got creative and managed to finish the fourth one. But really needed more to complete the blocks. So thinking about what I am going to do. 
I also made this diamond dotz painting of Monument Valley. Something to do sitting down by an AC vent. 
About the only time we go out is to breakfast and to the grocery store, Always before 7 a.m.  Next two weeks we have appointments at 1 o'clock in the afternoon. UGH  Need to remember to use my shirt over my hand to open the car door. 

1 comment:

Doug and Nancy said...

Those are crazy temps! Our warmest here on the West Coast lately has been in the mid seventies.