Monday, June 17, 2024

Heat wave continues for rest of month.

 Still not doing any walking - way to hot even at 7 o'clock. And looks like it isn't going to let up. Except for tomorrow, it is only supposed to be 95 - wow, need to get a sweater out. Humidity is in single digits. Yesterday it was 7%.  I am not looking forward to getting our electricity bill, might have to take a loan out to pay it. 

Needless to say we are not going outside much. Had to go to cartologist office for yearly tests a couple of days ago. Luckily our appointment was at 8 a.m. But still when we got back in car around 9 the steering wheel was too hot to hold on to. We went to breakfast and store on the way home. Our big excursion for the week. 

Yesterday, Father's Day, we went out to breakfast at 8 o'clock and to grocery store then spent rest of day home. Our son came over and spent part of the day with us. So it was a nice day. Heard from our other two sons. They are doing fine.

Have some visiting wildlife in backyard. Lots of bunnies and a strange bird. I'm glad to see the bunnies back, had none for a while after the flood. 

The bunnie and the bird checking each other out. 
Haven't seen this guy before, looks like a pigeon but doesn't hang out with the other regular looking pigeon. So not sure what he is. 
Finished my "fall" rooster pillow. turned out to be more work then I'd planned on. But was fun. Here I have the background done and have cut out most of the material for the rooster and have started to just lay the pieces on the background. 
Have most of it laid out but haven't attached the pieces yet. I have to iron them in place as they have a sticky back to them. Added the tree and fall leaves to ad the "fall" flavor look to it. 
After ironing them down I also then stitch over everything to make sure it all stays attached when using it. 
The finished pillow. Oh, nuts, realized I only stitched down one leg and foot. So had to very carefully move the backing and do the other leg /foot. Also forgot to do the small yellow middle piece of the wing so carefully did that too. Need to pay more attention I guess. 

Already have figured out what I am going to do next, need to keep busy some how. 

And that is all the excitement in our life here in  Sin City. 


SandyM said...

Like your feisty looking Rooster. Those temperatures are waaay up there. We are in the ninety’s here this week and there is going to be a planned power outage for two hours tomorrow morning for upgrades. Think I will go shopping!

Could your bird be a dove? We have the big dove here.

Kathy Tycho said...

Way too hot for me! 70F for a few days this week then back to showers and cooler...a bit of your heat would be nice😊