Monday, June 10, 2024


93 at 8:03  UGH  A full week of triple digit temps. Up to 111 one day. And another week of the same to come. The wind picks up in the afternoon and it is worse than a blow dryer. No walking as it never gets below 80 even at night.  AC runs most of day. I did walk up to mail box, three blocks away. And not thinking I wore my slippers. Note to self do NOT walk on asphalt streets in slippers when it has been over 110 out all day. Their soles do not keep the heat out. 

Lovely we have another water leak out front of our house - called the office they are sending someone down to check it. Well that was Thursday. Water still leaking and running down the street. Surprised I haven't heard anything from our neighbors yet. The water bill for the whole community is divided up and each home pays the same portion regardless of how much water they use. No real grass allowed, must use desert landscaping. So every one pays for the water leaks running down the street.  So every one gets testy when so much water gets wasted. 

My three summer pillow covers waiting for summer. They all fit 18" pillows. 

I'm starting on a fall themed throw pillow.  More in the thinking stage still, but it will be a rooster with lots of applique on it.The pattern for the rooster. 

Starting to find and cut the fabric - a long way to go.  Should be fun -. will be lots of applicate   work. The the rooster will be put on a background. 
 Also got a new diamond painting - this one of sunset in Monument Valley. Didn't realize it was so dark, looked lighter in the picture. I have done a little bit along the right hand edge. 
Our son sent maids the other day. So glad as I had bits of sewing thread all over the sewing room carpet. I wear socks in the house and they pick up the thread and drag it all around house. ( I did vacuum in there between projects - wow when did I get so old that vacuuming wears me out!)
Had a big Walmart order delivered this morning at 8 o'clock. Realized when putting it away I didn't order the one item I made the order for! Maybe I should start taking prevagen. Stocked up on lots of paper goods we were getting low on and laundry soap etc. We go to regular supermarket for produce, but it is too expensive for staples.
Bill is using his stationary bike, once or twice a day. 


Jackie McGuinness said...

Good for Bill! Those temps are crazy!

Doug and Nancy said...

Hard to imagine those hot temps! We've had some nice days here but still lots of cool, rainy days. We are looking forward to summer. Being close to the ocean, it never gets really hot here and mostly always cools down at night. Hugs to you both!

Anonymous said...

I love to see your quilting projects! The butterfly pillow is beautiful! Please keep posting your projects.

Carol and Bill said...

Jackie - He is still using the bike. Hope he keeps it up. It is ONLY 95 today! But goes up again tomorrow. UGH
Doug and Nancy, I tried to comment on your blog but google won't take my passwords - tried 4. So no comment, I refuse to change to a new one when everything else works., Wish we could send you some of our dry heat. Humidity in single digits! Heat in triple. Our power bill is going to be so high I might have to take out a loan.
Thank you for comments about my quilting projects. More to come as it is too hot to do any thing else.