Last Saturday we had to go to Centro to pick up Bill's second pair of glasses. So we spent a little time walking around a couple of blocks we usually don't go to. There is just so much to see, wonder about and admire here. I take many more pictures than I put on the blog. So - this isn't Centro it is part of the Golden Zone; I took it from the pulmonia. Lots of stuff for sale.
The optometrist, Eduardo and Bill. He had decided to get a second pair of glasses, new lenses in an old frame. No idea what they were discussing. But I'm sure it wasn't driving.
This is a different buggy than the last one I took a picture of. There are two of them on the ground floor of the parking garage. Sure is pretty.
I was on a mission to check out utility boxes to see what might be painted on them. So we went a different than we usually take. I think this is a really good idea. A Jaiba - a crab. The RV park we've stayed at for years is named Las Jaibas - the crabs. No idea why.
Looks like a lobster to me. The paintings are really detailed.

On the side of the building too. So many things to see, so easy to miss them.
Just colorful buildings. They look newly painted.
This is another of the beautiful buildings on this block. Needs a little TLC. Love the iron work and the arch above the window.
The old German Hardware store another great building not being utilized. Got to be close to an original door. The arch and glass and iron work.
Another door same building.
A big window that has been blocked off. Buildings were so pretty then.
Hum...this is new. Not sure if I like it or not. Is it good or unwanted graffiti. I tend to think graffiti. This is the big corner door of the building.
Have more pictures and another block, but going to stop here. Mostly because I don't feel like doing any more right now. Just got back to hotel after long walk along ocean with Bill. Even more pictures.
I was on a mission to check out utility boxes to see what might be painted on them. So we went a different than we usually take. I think this is a really good idea. A Jaiba - a crab. The RV park we've stayed at for years is named Las Jaibas - the crabs. No idea why.
Looks like a lobster to me. The paintings are really detailed.

Noticed this on a building across the street. I wonder if it will be painted eventually or remain just a sketch.

Just colorful buildings. They look newly painted.
A closer look at the pink building. Neat architecture. Every building is different.
Several years ago we watched the restoration of this block long building. It looks like it is still unused. Check out the doors and the arches. I like the shadows too and the chandelier. This window is amazing. All etched glass.
A building across the street. The top is not only a different color from the bottom, it has different shaped windows and architectural decorations. Was it built at the same time or was the top added later. Or is it just a façade on top. This is another of the beautiful buildings on this block. Needs a little TLC. Love the iron work and the arch above the window.
The old German Hardware store another great building not being utilized. Got to be close to an original door. The arch and glass and iron work.
Another door same building.
A big window that has been blocked off. Buildings were so pretty then.
Hum...this is new. Not sure if I like it or not. Is it good or unwanted graffiti. I tend to think graffiti. This is the big corner door of the building.
Have more pictures and another block, but going to stop here. Mostly because I don't feel like doing any more right now. Just got back to hotel after long walk along ocean with Bill. Even more pictures.
Great tour once again. Thanks Carol.
Awesome photos, Carol, and thank you for sharing. I agree with you and do not care for the catus graffiti.
Doug and Nancy - Hi guys.
Sandy - Thanks, yah, cactus could have been done in other places.
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