About time I got around to posting. We are having more weird weather. Super hot for a few days, then cooling down again. Still cooling down a little at night thank goodness.
Have been out walking in The Wetlands. The best part of our walks lately are trying to see the baby horned owls in their nest. There were four of them - now only three. They are super hard to get a decent picture of. The leaves on the tree keep moving and messing with the focus of the camera. But here are a couple of pictures. They are still quite fuzzy with real feather just on their backs.
Very hard to see but one of them is trying to climb up a branch on the left.
Out by the river is a big tree that at one time was burnt. In the last few days some one decided to hang a cross and some flowers on it. No idea why.
Looking down into the river. I took the picture of the bigger turtle, never saw the smaller one until I looked at this photo.
A couple of weekends ago there was a classic car show here at our community. Oh my gosh, so many memories. Beautiful cars. Really liked this one, it was pulling a tear drop trailer. Interesting paint job. Depended on how the sun was hitting it if you could see the stripes or not.
My favorite. What a shame there aren't any pretty cars any more. They all look like mad bugs now.
Have decided I want to make a rainbow quilt. Just a small one, using the same pattern as the flower on I just finished. I think I have the colors picked out. But keep changing my mind.
Not a good picture but finished another diamond dot painting/picture. I like the sayings on them, but no idea what I'll do with them. They are fun to do.

We had a bunch of work done on the outside of the house yesterday. Parts of it were looking a little shabby. Also added some rocks to the yard where they'd been washed away by the flood waters.
We still have to take the Jeep to a mechanic for the air conditioning but Bill had a really rough week with the long covid. Lasted a long time over four days days before he was feeling almost normal.
Great pictures Carol. Glad Bill is feeling better. I'm really excited for the rainbow quilt reveal. Wish I lived closer so you could teach me how to quilt. Hugs!
Oh how very cute those baby owls are! The second picture you can really see the big eyes of the baby owl. Really like the message on the diamond picture you just completed. Be kind……for sure. I love seeing your photos and thanks for sharing with all of us.
How can I send a private message to you
Sandy I'm on facebook - messenger
Doug and Nancy - I took a quilting class just one class and away I went. Mainly cut and sew is all I do, dont get fancy any more.
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