It is HOT, HOT, HOT here. 113 to maybe 116. At least humidity has gone way down. And going to be for the next few days. So unless we decide to go to the mall and walk around we won't be doing much.
Yesterday Bill went to the optometrist. Only his distant vision was improved by the cataract surgery so he still needs reading/computer glasses. He also has some slight double vision. [not caused by surgery, has had it for years.] The appointment was for 10:30 in the morning, earliest we could get. The doctor's office was in the Sears store.
On the way there I checked my watch to make sure we'd be on time. HUM...sometime during the night my watch had quit working. Nuts. Any way found the doctor's office at the back of the store and right across the aisle was a watch repair booth. Yipee. Got a new battery for my watch. I've had this watch about 30 years and really like it so was glad it was an easy fix.
Meanwhile Bill was having his eyes examined. He has 20/20 in one eye and 20/30 in the other BUT the double vision is because one of his eyes focuses different than the other. So he will be getting glasses with a prism. So he will be wearing glasses all the time again. They will try to use his old frames. So then he will look like himself again. While he was getting eyes checked I walked around store - found a purse - regular $50 for $17.99, just what I've been looking for. Grabbed it.
Last week Bill went for a nuclear stress test. It has been 7 1/2 years since his bypass surgery so both myself and the cardiologist have been wanting him to have the test. Now I'm sorry I ever said anything. Talk about STRESS - for both of us. His appointment was for 7 a.m. - of course, clear across town. He got called in about 7:10. I'd brought a book to read - should be about an hour. About 40 minutes later a nurse stuck his head into the waiting room and said, "there is a small problem with the camera on the stress test machine so any one waiting for some one it will probably take longer than usual." Okay. 8 o'clock, came and went, 9 o'clock came and went, 10 o'clock came and went. What the heck? I finally went to the desk to inquire and was told everything was fine he should be done in about 20 minutes.
Finally he came out and we left. Then he told me his experience. Because of equipment malfunction they had to repeat the ENTIRE test three times. He said he felt like his heart was going to explode by the third time. It took him a couple of days to completely recover from something that shouldn't have bothered him at all. We see the doctor in a week and he is for sure going to hear about it.
Since then we've had several sever storms and now the heat. Had to tie the Palo Verde tree to the pine tree's trunk to hopefully stabilize it again.
Still need to get out there and trim off some of the broken branches on the flowering bushes.
During one of the prior storms our little bush out on the side of the house lost it biggest flowering branch, this storm the remaining branch got broken, don't know if it will make it or not.
I put big rock in my planters on top of the foam, hope it will keep the flowers and foam from blowing away again.
We also had a board pull loose between the house and the skirting. lots of water got into the wall board. So that needs to be replaced. The guy replacing the garage vent will fix that too.
Our across the street neighbor lost his back fence.
We came down Boulder Highway yesterday and the northbound lanes are still closed, some of the wires are still almost on the ground. Hopefully as they work on them we don't loose electricity again.
AC is going all day along with all the ceiling fans in the house. Just sitting still and working on a jig saw puzzle.
Wednesday, July 25, 2018
Tuesday, July 24, 2018
Strange weather
8:03 a.m. and it is 99 - only going downhill from here. Bill has an appointment with the optometrist at 10:30. Should only be 108 by then.
First the fun stuff. They are really moving on setting up the new house across the street. The truck moving the pieces closer together.
Working on stuff under the house. Can just see the guy on his knees by the right side of the thing.
Finishing the moving.
All the axles and wheels off.
By the end of the day - it is together. They capped the very top of the roof. So it wouldn't get wet inside.
Will take about a month to have it ready to sell.
Which was a good thing as we had a couple of major storms the next few days. MAJOR. Just building up.
We did get one pretty sunset.
We've had two or three storms with heavy winds. Gusts over 65. We lost the vent on our garage. Found part of it down the street. We also had a major dust storm. Couldn't see the Wetlands dust was so bad.
Another storm starting to build up.
One of the bigger storms took out 31 power poles on Boulder Highway not too far from where we live. [Came home that way today and north bound side of highway is still closed with wires about 2 feet off ground.]
This was the dust storm. Bill has had to tie the little Palo Verde to the pine tree as it was almost blown completely over. Have hired a handyman to put up the new vent in garage.
The clouds are building up all around the valley again. Last night we were without power from about 7:30 to 9:15 - amazing how quick it heats up inside. And it was still near 100 outside with, of course when you want some, no wind.
First the fun stuff. They are really moving on setting up the new house across the street. The truck moving the pieces closer together.
Working on stuff under the house. Can just see the guy on his knees by the right side of the thing.
Finishing the moving.
All the axles and wheels off.
By the end of the day - it is together. They capped the very top of the roof. So it wouldn't get wet inside.
Will take about a month to have it ready to sell.
Which was a good thing as we had a couple of major storms the next few days. MAJOR. Just building up.
We did get one pretty sunset.
We've had two or three storms with heavy winds. Gusts over 65. We lost the vent on our garage. Found part of it down the street. We also had a major dust storm. Couldn't see the Wetlands dust was so bad.
One of the bigger storms took out 31 power poles on Boulder Highway not too far from where we live. [Came home that way today and north bound side of highway is still closed with wires about 2 feet off ground.]
This was the dust storm. Bill has had to tie the little Palo Verde to the pine tree as it was almost blown completely over. Have hired a handyman to put up the new vent in garage.
Bill was on the top step of the ladder checking out the vent hole.
We have had a couple of interesting doctor appointments the last week too. One was extremely stressful. The clouds are building up all around the valley again. Last night we were without power from about 7:30 to 9:15 - amazing how quick it heats up inside. And it was still near 100 outside with, of course when you want some, no wind.
Saturday, July 21, 2018
Arts District
On our Sunday drive we continued on to The Arts District. There is so much to see in Vegas, if you just take the time to look for it. I've only covered a small part of the murals, sculptures, weird things, etc.
"Officially known as 18b Arts District, the downtown arts district contains an eclectic mix of galleries, one-of-a-kind stores, and restaurants just a short walk or bus ride from Fremont Street. Known as "18b," the Las Vegas Arts District is located immediately south of downtown Las Vegas in an area bounded by Commerce Street, Hoover Avenue, Fourth Street and Las Vegas Boulevard (at Charleston) and Colorado Avenue. Click here to read more about it.
We only drove through a very small part of it.
Tribute to the Raiders?
Just caught this as we drove past. Wish it was a better picture. Really like the colors. Reminds me of my stained glass windows. In fact it would make a pretty window.
Guess it means something to someone.
A lot of things painted on this wall, wish I could have gotten a better picture. Obstacles in the way.
End wall of same place.
No idea what this is, private or public? Old railroad cabooses. Lots of interesting inside the fence.
One of the cars decorated.
No idea???
Just another view of the outside of complex.
The Arts District is home to community-based murals, like the one designed by Grace Ann Morgan and Lois Dohra just over a decade ago. Pink and lavender silhouettes dance in solidarity, the figures floating above a sidewalk around the corner from what used to be called Snick’s Place, a bar that is central to local LGBT history. It’s one work from the 2005 Las Vegas Centennial mural project that stayed relevant, and it remains an authoritative example of a mural serving as a storyteller on the street.
This reminds me of the buildings in Mexico too- very colorful.
Just caught this as we drove by.
One of the older motels still open
The beginning of The Strip looking south.
Tomorrow morning Bill has an stress test appointment clear across town at 7 a.m.! That will make for a long day, and it's going to be HOT, but less humid.
No more Arts pictures. But we've had a couple of stressful days I'll share.
Wednesday, July 18, 2018
Continuing our quest for murals
AC came on this morning before I got up. Had heavy wind [had to bring my flowers inside again] last night with lots of lightening and thunder and rain during the night. Very,very muggy again today. I went out pulled a couple of weeds and walked to trash can. Very "dewy" by time I got back inside. Might - might go to the market but for sure nothing else outside.
So glad I took lots of pictures Sunday.
Even more murals from downtown. Most just off Fremont and between 5th to 12th streets.
This one is amazing, couldn't find anything about it online. Full picture and then some close ups of parts of it.
Love the colors and geometric designs.
Should have walked over further to take this picture.
This is an old abandoned motel. The inside courtyard is amazing and I didn't take a picture of it. Will have to go back.
Bill asked me if I'd looked at the inside, I said yes. But I'd just taken this picture of the doorway leading in.
With the sun where it was it was hard to get a photo of this one without reflection. Lots and lots of work went into it.
Just caught this one in passing.
We drove around The Container Park but didn't stop. This big grasshopper shoots fire at night. It also was made for one of the Burning Man Festivals. Several years ago we stopped and visited the park. All the buildings in it are made from old shipping containers. If you are interested CLICK HERE to see that blog. Interesting place.
The backs of some of the containers. I wish people wouldn't park in front of them. And come on city, don't put your signs right in front of murals.
Back into the downtown area again. Saw this...“Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” by Ruben Sanchez – Las Vegas Blvd. and Fremont St. Created for 2015’s Life is Beautiful, this cubist style painting uses colors associated with the desert to incredibly depict the offbeat, kooky main character in the 1998 film of the same name. At ground level and full of life and energy, some great shots can be taken here.
Didn't notice this one until I was looking at my pictures. So it is not very good. Both on the El Cortez Hotel “The Meaning” by Pixel Pancho –
This mural also created for 2015’s Life is Beautiful, depicts life by way of two robots. This piece is sweet and intimate but also thought-provoking. Meant to inspire people to think about their reliance on and obsession with money and the fact that “we (do) not own this planet, we are a part (of it).” Any couple could take away their own message from this mural and capture these feelings in incredible photos.
This is across the street from the Container Park. The whole one and then some close ups of portions of it.
So glad I took lots of pictures Sunday.
Even more murals from downtown. Most just off Fremont and between 5th to 12th streets.
This one is amazing, couldn't find anything about it online. Full picture and then some close ups of parts of it.
Love the colors and geometric designs.
Should have walked over further to take this picture.
This is an old abandoned motel. The inside courtyard is amazing and I didn't take a picture of it. Will have to go back.
Bill asked me if I'd looked at the inside, I said yes. But I'd just taken this picture of the doorway leading in.
With the sun where it was it was hard to get a photo of this one without reflection. Lots and lots of work went into it.
Just caught this one in passing.
We drove around The Container Park but didn't stop. This big grasshopper shoots fire at night. It also was made for one of the Burning Man Festivals. Several years ago we stopped and visited the park. All the buildings in it are made from old shipping containers. If you are interested CLICK HERE to see that blog. Interesting place.
The backs of some of the containers. I wish people wouldn't park in front of them. And come on city, don't put your signs right in front of murals.
Back into the downtown area again. Saw this...“Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas” by Ruben Sanchez – Las Vegas Blvd. and Fremont St. Created for 2015’s Life is Beautiful, this cubist style painting uses colors associated with the desert to incredibly depict the offbeat, kooky main character in the 1998 film of the same name. At ground level and full of life and energy, some great shots can be taken here.
Didn't notice this one until I was looking at my pictures. So it is not very good. Both on the El Cortez Hotel “The Meaning” by Pixel Pancho –
This mural also created for 2015’s Life is Beautiful, depicts life by way of two robots. This piece is sweet and intimate but also thought-provoking. Meant to inspire people to think about their reliance on and obsession with money and the fact that “we (do) not own this planet, we are a part (of it).” Any couple could take away their own message from this mural and capture these feelings in incredible photos.
This is across the street from the Container Park. The whole one and then some close ups of portions of it.
Another painted utility box. The Zap! program, funded by the Clark County Department of Parks and Community Services and the Las Vegas Centennial Committee, has artists painting utility boxes. Each artist is paid $2,000 and receives $250 for supplies. "The theme has to have some connection with the past, present and future of Las Vegas, and we told the artists that if they want to use the colors of Las Vegas, they can," Gaffey said. Part of the hope is that the art will help deter taggers. Click here to read more about the program.
Heading south on Las Vegas Blvd just crossing Fremont street. "Nine restored historical neon signs from the Neon Museum’s collection have been repurposed into public art on the downtown segment of Las Vegas Boulevard. In 2009, the same stretch of Las Vegas Boulevard, between Sahara Avenue and Washington Avenue, became one of only three urban streets in the United States to be named a Federal Scenic Byway by the U.S. Department of Transportation. If you let the signs be your guide from Fremont to Washington, you will end up at the Neon Museum."
Looking towards The Fremont Street Experience.
The next notable feature we passed was the Pawn Shop from Pawn Stars. We also visited it a couple years ago. CLICK HERE to see the inside - so small!
"The shop is open every day from 9am - 9pm, only closed on Christmas and Thanksgiving, and the Pawn Window is open 24 hours a day. It is always free to visit the Pawn Shop and parking is also free. " Quote from Web page.
There are people standing in line to get in to the place.
Discovered something about this paintbrush sculpture on line. "Once planned to share the same corner, the two paintbrush sculptures now stand at different sentry points, separated by circumstances. (The project did not work out as artist Dennis Oppenheim had planned.) The two paintbrush sculptures, designed to beam light as a paint “stroke, 1,600 feet long, going into darkness, thus echoing an artist’s excursion into the unknown,” as Oppenheim initially hoped, are just an echo of the original concept." [will have to look for the other paintbrush.]
After reading about so many of these on line, I want to go back and really check them out. We missed a lot, not knowing what we were looking for.
From here we drove around the Arts District some and then on down the strip. Next post.
After reading about so many of these on line, I want to go back and really check them out. We missed a lot, not knowing what we were looking for.
From here we drove around the Arts District some and then on down the strip. Next post.
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