I got up this morning about 4:00 for bathroom trip. Got back in bed but woke Bill up. He got up. I tried to go back to sleep. bit a little before 5 a.m i heard the front door open and voices. I got up - just as the living room lights came on and met Bill heading towards me.
What's going on?" He answered, "There's a cop at the door saying he recovered our RV." WTH? Sure enough cop car in street cop walking back to door. "Do you own an RV?"
Where is it? WHAT? Where do you park it. Up the street. Exactly where? In The front RV lot, space two. What does it look like? Anything special a about the paint job? Yes, it has eagle, skulls and flames. Okay lets go look at where you park it.
OH OH. He took Bill up to space and sure enough it was gone. I got dressed and waited. Soon they were back. Policeman explained they'd caught the thieves in the process of stripping the RV. He gave us address where it was and had us follow him there. 
Turned a corner and there it sat surrounded by two more police cars.

The generator was half out of its cubby on the street. 
They had us look in the thieves car to see if any of the stuff in it was ours. Sure was.
The tire isn't ours, wonder if someone else in RV parking area is missing something.
One of the empty drawers sitting on drivers seat. See yellow handled screw driver used to start after ignition was popped. It had a steering wheel lock on it, but policeman says they are easy to disable.
We went inside the RV and it was a mess - but just a mess, nothing had been damaged or removed. Just all the drawers and cupboards had been emptied and stuff thrown around. Guess they didn't have time to dump these into the car yet.
The police called a tow truck and waited with us until he showed up. Only problem was he thought he was going to pick up a motorcycle not a motorhome! But he called someone else. While waiting he removed generator and put it in the big back storage compartment that had been emptied.
The police took all of our stuff out of the thieves car and put it inside the RV for us. So to make long story short. We have the RV, rather we took it to the dealership to have locks and generator repaired, replaced. Have contacted insurance company. Now waiting for call back from them and dealership to open tomorrow morning. Rather shitty (sorry) way to begin the day.
We really don't know if anything is missing yet. Have to go through the mess to find out for sure. There is more to the day and the story. But tired now.