Sunday, May 26, 2024

Memorial Day to July 4th decorations.

Got all my Memorial Day and 4th of July decorations I've had out of storage trunk and up. Even dish towels, that I bought a few years ago. 

Stained glass sun catchers I made years ago. 
The last of the three pillow covers I just finished. 
Also made the place mats years ago. 
Was out front and very surprised to see our ugly cactus blooming. More flowers than it has ever had. Each flower only lasts one day. 
My walking in the Wetlands has paid off. Some of my rewards. The banner/whatever with the beaver is for getting in 50 miles so far this year. The water holder was for last years 100 miles and the cap is for a cumulative 200 miles since I started recording last year till now. I am about three walks from getting something for 100 miles already this year. However it might be a while, as it is just too hot unless I get out before the sun gets up too high.  Like at six o'clock and I don't want to walk over there alone. Going to be up in the hundreds a few days this coming week. 
I've mentioned Bill's big screen for his computer and for watching TV. Well he also just got a new chair and a pad for his desk. His keyboard has yellow keys with black letters so he can see it easier, he also has a light under the desk top that lights the keyboard up. Cozy corner. 
I am still messing with sewing, but am taking a little break to do a puzzle I did a few years ago. Seems to be going faster this time. 
My first summer throw pillow cover. The pin wheels are three-D. 
Closer loke at one of them. Really easy and fun to do. Supposed to look like a wrapped present.  Have an idea for another cover, just starting to work on it. I found some butterfly material I forgot I had. Now to figure out how to use it. 

Bill's stationary bike is still in a zillion pieces waiting to be put together. We just need to get in the mood to do it.  I'm also going through clothes etc to get to Goodwill. Found things I haven't worn in years. But still had to think twice/three times before putting them in bag.

Thought I'd be watching a lot of racing today, but looks like weather is not cooperating in Indy, and maybe not in Charlotte either. Nothing exciting to write about.

Monday, May 20, 2024

Long delayed thoughts on vacation in Mexico

So - I've put this off long enough.  Expenses, pictures and thoughts about our one month vacation in Mazatlan earlier this year. On the trip going at every airport we had reserved a wheel chair for Bill. Mostly due to his eyesight. Well let me tell you, after me RUNNING behind the wheel chair pushes we made sure we both had wheelchairs coming home. We flew American Airlines from Vegas with stopover in Phoenix and then 4 hours to Mazatlan. Using our air milage points from a credit card the flight for both of us was $299. 

We were met at the Mazatlan airport by a driver - who we discovered over charged us. Oh well, live and learn. Got to our hotel with no problems. The Blue Pacific Hotel - owned by the same person who owns the RV park we usually stay in. It is a NO frills hotel but was right on the main street so that made it easy to get around.  We were in the room right behind the hanging banner  2nd floor.

Hotel costs us US$ 1470 for 30 days - with exchange rate of 17 pesos per dollar. Exchange rate was way lower than we were used to. Used to be around 20 pesos per dollar. Our basic room. Bed, table and two chairs. It also had a small kitchenette. And bathroom with shower. The toidy in the bathroom was so low to the ground when sitting on it one's knees were level with ones nose. Try to gracefully get up from that position.  We did have very good WiFi. See the microwave on top of refrigerator and black coffeepot on counter. Our first trip out we bought them. Can't live without either. 
There was also a closet and a balcony. And laundry service for a price, but convenient. 
The first night there we walked to Pancho's restaurant which was right next door. Didn't feel like doing much else. As opposed to when we RV'd we'd go out for RIBS the first night we got to Mazatlan.  Read the apron so funny. 
The next morning bright and early jumped into a pulmonia. There are many modes of transportation in Mazatlan,. We used pulmonias a lot.  Later we got smart and started to use Uber - yes I learned how to use it. All in all we spent total US$530 on getting places. One of our higher expenses. 

It took us to another tradition, Torres restaurant - it is right across the street from the RV park where we usually stay.
From there into a taxi to go to the Mega, a big Walmart like grocery store. Where we bought the coffee pot, microwave and hangers and a couple of soft towels. Costs us about US$ 110. Well spent money.
Leaving the store with our full cart. Yes it is on the 2nd floor. The cart locks onto the moving ramp so it  is easy to use. In total we only spend US$ 300 on groceries. 
That evening we went to Fat Fish for RIBS. They were as good as ever!  I think we walked back and forth from hotel that night.
One day we went to the watchmaker so Bill could get a new battery in one of his watches. We see him every year. He asked Bill why he hadn't seen him driving by in the Jeep. - OH NO - don't bring up Jeep. 
We spent a lot of time going places. Plaza Machado. When the cruise ships are in there is always entertainment there. 
We also went to the optometrist so Bill could find out if distance glasses would improve his quality of life. After an eye test he decided they did help. So got two pairs of glasses. US$150. 
Back to Plaza Machado to Gaia Restaurant for lunch. Our favorite salads, First mine. Yum.
And his.  Other than hotel, eating out was our largest expense. US$1510... Yep we ate out a lot. 

We were there during Carnival so we got to enjoy all the statues along the Malecon. 

Also went to the Plazuela Machado a couple of times at night to listen to our friend Rafael play. and sing. 

We took a few trips to La Noria and El Quelite and La Martina restaurant. One with a professional driver $$$$! Most with friends that were also in Mazatlan with a truck. Thank you so much. 

In total we spent US$ 4560 for everything. Air fare, wheelchair pushers tips, glasses, food, eating out, transportation, hotel and a few souvenirs. About US$150 a day. When we RV we spend around US$75 a day.  That includes RV park, fuel for both vehicles, permits and insurance, eating out, groceries, etc, etc. We gave all the non consumable things we bought to one of our friends who lives there. 

We have decided we don't like flying or living in a hotel or having to eat out so much. Guess we are spoiled by so many years of RVing. 
We are both glad we went but sad that it might be the last time and that we didn't have the RV and Jeep. 

Friday, May 17, 2024

Walking and sewing to keep busy.

When we went walking last week we saw the baby owls again, they have moved to a different area. Aren't they cute. So solemn looking.

All three of them sitting in a row. 
At first thought this was a parent as it was all by itself. But it has fluffy baby feathers.So must be the fourth baby.
This one is an adult. He/she was across the ways in another tree. 
Bill decided he wanted a stationary bike for exercise. Unfortunately it is not put together. Sure has a lot of pieces. This is only a small part of them. Wow!
Finished my rainbow quilt. Then embroidered along the black strips. Using several colors and variegated thread. 
Been sewing again, trying to use up material. Making covers for the throw pillows. Might make more covers for other holidays. Have one more red, white and blue one I haven't finished yet. 
This mornings walk. Managed to get in 3 miles even with the warm weather. We did get started a little earlier than usual, 7:30 but it was already in mid 70's. Too hot for me. But glad we went. Saw a lot of bunnies running around. A couple chasing each other, moving to fast to take a picture. And then he crossed our path. Too bad he was in the shadows.
Near the end of the walk this one walked in front of us.  Wonder if it is the same one, but in  a different part of the park. 
On the way home saw this pretty bush blooming. 
Been doing a few other things too but will save for another post.

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Again not much going on around here

 So today..We have had appointments for lab work for several months. I had made them for EARLY in the morning - at 7:30/. Got there and checked in and looked down at my empty hands and purse. NO PAPERWORK...Nuts I'd left it all sitting on my desk. And our doctor had not sent the request to the lab. Of course. So back in the car and a quick trip home, pick up paperwork and back to lab. Luckily they were nice about it and took us right in. Even with the extra trip we were out of there and at a restaurant by 8:45. Bill asked me if I wanted some of his Prevagen. I couldn't think of a smart-alecky reply. So now home and will do some catching up here.  

Still working on my rainbow quilt. Have the quilting done now and all the pins taken off. Have the hand work on the binding still to do. 

All the flowers and plants around the house are loving the weather and blooming like crazy. Especially the ocotillo. Our nicely painted window box in the background. 
Everything in the side yard, by the front door, is getting big and colorful. 
The jasmine out back is full of flowers. Smells so good. 
I didn't know oleanders could have two different colors on the same bush. 

This is one bush. 
And the Wetlands are so green now. Lots of trees starting to bloom. I like this little flower only about an inch and a half big. 
No idea what this bird is but there are a lot of them out there. They are always singing. 
Most of the water fowl is gone, none in the river any more. Not sure why he is still around haven't seen his mate in months. 
A little snow still on the mountains, last week end was the last winter sports day. By next week we are supposed to have several days of mid 90's/ So imagine it will all be gone soon. 
There are so many shades of green. 
A couple of the different ponds out in the Wetlands. They all have higher water than earlier in the year. 
Got in a couple of three mile days last week and one so far this week. Hope to get out tomorrow but early. After 8:30 the sun is just too hot for me to walk.  
Bill went to eye doctor last week and he read a few more of the letters on the eye chart than the previous appointment. And he doesn't have to go back for 10 weeks. Good.
We also finally got everything straightened up with the insurance company and the DMV. The insurance company had sent in the wrong information. So every thing with all the vehicles is done for another year. 
Today it will not be real hot - low 80's but the winds are bad again. Gusts up around 40, poor plants are losing their flowers. And that's about it for now.