We had planned on working on getting the RV ready for the trip south this week. Well plans are made so we can change them I guess. The RV is still in the shop waiting on batteries to be delivered. We are waiting for more lab test results, which we can't get until late next week, then see doctor again. So we have a few blank days in front of us.
So I decided I'd start on a stained glass piece I've been thinking about for several years. A companion piece to this one which now is in one side of the window in our computer room. I made this one when we lived in Indiana to cover a rock chip in one of our living room windows. Got the ideas for both from a restaurant in Mazatlan. Do you see the butterflies and leaves in it. 
So here is the central pattern for the new one. I had just enough of the green glass to do it. 
Very rough cutting the pieces.
Adding the accent pieces. I've been racking up the steps between the garage, cutting the glass and the sewing room where I have the pattern. Each piece takes several back and forths.
Friday nights sunset.
All the con trails from the planes in the sky.
Sunrise yesterday morning.
Don't know if this mornings sunrise was pretty or not. Too darn cold to go outside and look. And the wind is howling. Our front awnings sound like they are going to fly off the side of the house.
Can hear the wind in this one.
Took this about 7 a.m. Wasn't it just a few days ago that I was complaining about the heat? High today in mid 50's.And then we had a hard time trying to figure out how to turn the thermostat from AC to heat - it's been so long ago that we needed heat. YES we have the furnace running. I was even cold. Another 500 piece puzzle done. It is really weird there is something about this set/box of puzzles that makes my eyes and nose run and makes me start coughing after about 45 minutes of working on them. So I have to stop and walk away for a while.
Have done the fine grinding/smoothing of the first seven pieces. So far they are all fitting together. Too cold in the garage today to work on any more.
Actually I am waiting for yesterday's NASCAR race to start. But looks like there is a lot of rain in the Dallas,TX area. Don't know if they will be able to race today or not. I think later we will make some chicken empanadas for snacks. Several dozen probably. At least it will warm up the kitchen. Or maybe I'll make peanut butter cookies. Lord knows I sure don't need them, but...