The El Quelite river has some water in it this year. Usually by now it is pretty dry. A bunch of birds enjoying it. There is one spoonbill right in the middle. They were a long way away so hard to get a good picture even though Bill stopped on the bridge so I could take it.
The bougainvilleas are just beautiful this year. All along the road into town
I like the salmon colored ones. We have one in our garden and it is the only one not doing well.
And the valley is still pretty green. Lots of young crops growing.
No description needed.
Oh, Oh! Looks like this turkey made someone mad. He had a whole tail last time we were here. Wonder how took a bite out of him.
I love this purple flowering bush. No idea what it is.
Finally a decent shot of the new mural in the front part of the restaurant. By the stairs leading up to the new addition.
Duck wandering down past our table. He and one of the roosters got into a dust up a little later. Rooster ran him out.
Just one of the decorating items in the restaurant. Also a small view of the new upstairs dining area.
More decorations. Some one has a good eye for decorating this restaurant. That's an old sewing machine base under the trunk.
Jackie and I went upstairs to look around. The new entrance to the restaurant and looking out over the street.
Looking down at Bill and John patiently waiting for us.
Looking at the new entrance from the street. I imagine it will be painted in the near future.
I love the colors in this town. No retouching on this photo at all.
I wonder if this bench would fit in the back of the Jeep. It would look good on our patio.
Being my usual snarky self I had to buy this. We have one at home that says "Mi Casa es Tu Casa" - my house is your house. The one says My House is My House.
Some one has taken the time to paint all the trash cans along the street in El Quelite. Just a couple of them.
A wasp nest? on the stained glass window of the church. Some how the netting has come down. Actually all three windows had various sizes of these nests on them.
I guess this means he is ready to go home.
But first a quick stop at the beach in Cerritos. This little boat had just come in. Bring part of the catch up to sell to wholesaler. They've got a whole crate full.
Cleaning up the boat and nets so it will be ready for next time.
Now that's a good sized fish.
Bill and I decided to try La Hamburgueria for dinner. It is just up around the corner from us. Heard good things about it. And they were right. Very good hamburgers. We just had a regular cheeseburger but they have a huge selection of different burgers.

I like their lights.
And their sign. I took pictures of everything but the burgers. The meat was much bigger than the buns. And very good. Cooked perfect. They use ground rib eye. Two burgers, two cokes US$16.00 Will be going back there again.
Then home for the night. We sent part of this morning in the Golden Zone.