I mentioned we got home from our trip on Monday, a couple of days earlier than we'd originally planned. All in all we did 1095 miles. We were on the road for 25 days. Averaged 8mpg on the RV. and $28 a night for campgrounds.Our biggest expense was eating out. Ended up not cooking one meal in RV. Had sandwiches, salads and snacked, but ate out a lot.
When we left Panguitch the smoke was visible all around us. Here we are on the I-15 going south you can see the smoke around the mountains. Watching the news last night it is still burning and barely contained.
None stop drive straight home. 246 miles - about 5 hours.
There is a haze over the city. But temperatures were going down from last week. Last night at 10:00 it still was 100 degrees out! Today will be 108.
Tuesday mornings sunrise, Without clouds it isn't spectacular. But still nice. Only going down to low 80s at night.
I'd been worried about all our new plants when we heard the temperatures were up to 120. Well the ones in the back yard fared pretty well.
These guys have a little sunburn on the west facing side, but not bad. All the lantana are fine, blooming nicely.
Even the jasmine is okay. Noticed a hummingbird checking it out. Ah, the feeders were completely empty. So had to make more nectar for them.
Unfortunately the plants in the front side yard, by the door did not fare as well. In face the three smaller ones are DEAD and the two bigger ones probably won't make it. For some reason the timer clock for them quit working.
So next week will dig them out and return them to nursery for replacement. The ocotillo out front is doing great, even getting some leaves. My favorite plant.
I took my sewing machine into the Viking dealer for repair - the lights are not working - on May 22. Called when we got home. They are "really backed up" and have not even looked at my machine. I hadn't planned on using it but still...over a month.
And today took my laptop into BestBuy to see about getting its little problems fixed and found out you now have to make an appointment. So have an appointment tomorrow morning at 10:20.
We were over there because Bill's external speakers on his PC quit working. Had to get a new set. One thing or another.
I think one of the new houses by us got sold, no more sign in front and it now has a carport. But haven't seen anyone around it.
I had/have five stained glass sun catchers in the west facing window in my sewing room. They are attached to the window with plastic suction cups. I forgot to take them down when we left, they all fell off the window, guess the suction cups just got too hot. Luckily they just fell to the window sill where they were caught between the window and wooden blinds. So no problem, just had to put them back up. Also forgot the ones on the north facing kitchen window but they were okay thank goodness. If they'd have come down they would have broken in the sink or on the counter.
Wednesday, June 28, 2017
Tuesday, June 27, 2017
Panguitch, Utah Saturday night Balloon Glow
First things first - yesterday, Monday, was a long day. We left Panguitch at 7:30 a.m. and didn't stop until we got home - all 246 miles. Bill has been spoiled with our under 100 mile jaunts lately. But yesterday the drive seemed to go fast. Guess 'cause it was mostly all freeway.
Nice to be home. Got the RV unloaded, everything put away and the laundry done. Also arranged for our mail to be delivered and ordered our prescriptions to be picked up today. Had a nice shower and a big glass of wine.
Our proposed trip - notice we were supposed to go to Alamo, NV #11
Our actual trip. Straight home to Las Vegas from Panguitch, UT. It was just too hot.
Up early this a.m. RV is back in storage until 7/11 when he goes back to dealer to get backup camera/nav system fixed. It only works when we are plugged in to electricity. We'd need a
REALLY LONG cord for traveling.
Oh by the way - it has really cooled off here in Vegas from last weeks 118+ to todays 107. It really does make a difference.
Now to catch up on the rest of the balloon rally.
Saturday night we went into town to watch the Balloon Glow which was supposed to look like this [stolen from Internet]
Because of wind and the fact the glow was taking place on the main street in town we did not get to see the balloons lit up. Instead we saw the propane going off. The main street. On of the baskets on its side which led us to believe the balloons were going to be inflated. Lots of people downtown lining the streets.
We were standing on the main corner of town when suddenly the burner went off behind us. About 40 feet behind us and we could feel the heat and hear the roar from it.
There were three different band playing along the street. This was on the main corners. Lots of big families and couple walking around and enjoying themselves.
Another flame lighting up. You can see the flames down the street - about 5 of them. It was enjoyable to just watch this, but sure wish the balloons could have been used. Everyone had their balloons with them, but they never came out of their bags. Afraid the wind would push them into the buildings etc.
So here is a short video from the main corners.
We walked down to the next corner to listen to the bank there. The best of the three in my opinion, but maybe because I knew the country music they were playing. Several people were dancing in the street to their music. There should have been a balloon right in front of them.
Didn't take many pictures - too hard to get the camera to focus.
But did take a lot of videos, some turned out some didn't. But here is a collection of a few of them. One thing I just barely caught is at the very end of the video - the flame dancing with the music.
I'm glad we went, enjoyable evening out. Something we'll probably never see again.
Sunday we pretty much stayed in, the wind had shifted and there was a lot of smoke around us. Between that and the altitude - it wasn't a nice day. Though did watch a soccer game and of course the NASCAR race.
Nice to be home. Got the RV unloaded, everything put away and the laundry done. Also arranged for our mail to be delivered and ordered our prescriptions to be picked up today. Had a nice shower and a big glass of wine.
Our proposed trip - notice we were supposed to go to Alamo, NV #11
Our actual trip. Straight home to Las Vegas from Panguitch, UT. It was just too hot.
Up early this a.m. RV is back in storage until 7/11 when he goes back to dealer to get backup camera/nav system fixed. It only works when we are plugged in to electricity. We'd need a
REALLY LONG cord for traveling.
Oh by the way - it has really cooled off here in Vegas from last weeks 118+ to todays 107. It really does make a difference.
Now to catch up on the rest of the balloon rally.
Saturday night we went into town to watch the Balloon Glow which was supposed to look like this [stolen from Internet]
Because of wind and the fact the glow was taking place on the main street in town we did not get to see the balloons lit up. Instead we saw the propane going off. The main street. On of the baskets on its side which led us to believe the balloons were going to be inflated. Lots of people downtown lining the streets.
We were standing on the main corner of town when suddenly the burner went off behind us. About 40 feet behind us and we could feel the heat and hear the roar from it.
There were three different band playing along the street. This was on the main corners. Lots of big families and couple walking around and enjoying themselves.
Another flame lighting up. You can see the flames down the street - about 5 of them. It was enjoyable to just watch this, but sure wish the balloons could have been used. Everyone had their balloons with them, but they never came out of their bags. Afraid the wind would push them into the buildings etc.
So here is a short video from the main corners.
We walked down to the next corner to listen to the bank there. The best of the three in my opinion, but maybe because I knew the country music they were playing. Several people were dancing in the street to their music. There should have been a balloon right in front of them.
Didn't take many pictures - too hard to get the camera to focus.
But did take a lot of videos, some turned out some didn't. But here is a collection of a few of them. One thing I just barely caught is at the very end of the video - the flame dancing with the music.
I'm glad we went, enjoyable evening out. Something we'll probably never see again.
Sunday we pretty much stayed in, the wind had shifted and there was a lot of smoke around us. Between that and the altitude - it wasn't a nice day. Though did watch a soccer game and of course the NASCAR race.
Monday, June 26, 2017
More Balloons and Good Advice
As of today, Sunday, the Brian Head Fire, just east of Cedar City has burned over 40,000 acres. It was man started. Yesterday the wind shifted and all the smoke was over where we are, but luckily the winds were keeping the smell and ash high. By evening it shifted southeast again. Still very little containment. But it might rain tomorrow. Sure hope it does for them.
I noticed this on the side of an RV park here. Good advice.
Back to the watching the Balloon Ascension on Saturday morning.
I noticed this on the side of an RV park here. Good advice.
Back to the watching the Balloon Ascension on Saturday morning.
More and more balloons in the air
I love the colors - reminds me of stained glass.
Gently floating in the air. Like jewels in the sky.
I can just see this as a window.
Or this.
So that is what this is - first good look at it.
Oh Oh! That is where Willie, the Jeep, is parked. Hope it land on him.
I was surprised at how low they all stayed. Most were close to the ground.
A bride and groom were getting pictures taken with the balloons as a background. What a neat idea.
Hope he doesn't land in the street.
Stopped at a restaurant for breakfast and discovered a balloon in the parking lot.
Thought this was funny. Food was very good.
The RV Park where we are staying here in Panguitch Utah. Only $15.50 a day. Level gravel spots, kind of narrow though, but very long pull throughs. Good water pressure, good WiFi. 30 amps and sewer.
We would stay here again.
Change of plans, we will probably go all the way home today. Unless we change our minds again as it is about 240 miles.
Sunday, June 25, 2017
Early morning Balloon Ascension in Panguitch.
The fire and smoke Friday night.
Saturday morning the bedroom light came on and Bill yanked my toes saying, "Get up." What? I could see it was still dark out and cold, the furnace was running but hadn't taken the chill off yet. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Huh? It was blinking 1.11 - just blinking. Guess the electricity went out last night. What time was it anyway? 4:45!
I got up, put on jeans and a t-shirt and had a cup of hot coffee. By then it was 5:15. We were up early to go to the Balloon Ascension. According to the brochure it would be at 6:30. The sky was barely getting light. So had another cup of coffee and went in hunt of a jacket. About 15 to 6 we left the still gray campground. We knew where the event was going to take place so headed there. As we tried to turn into the area we were stopped - Pilots only in that way. But we could go to the cemetery where we'd have a good view. So off we went. Well we had a good view alright of a field full of trucks. Where were the balloons. Decided to go to the other area the guard suggested. Back into town and out to the baseball park. Parked the car and discovered the field with the balloons was about a two block walk through a meadow.
It was still shivering cold out - about 47 degrees. We set off - getting a little warmer as we walked and the sun got closer to coming up. Finally at the field where the balloons would take off.

No balloons, but a lot of trucks pulling trailers and lots of people milling around.
A few testing regular little balloons let up to see which way the wind was blowing. Everyone watched them until they were out of sight.
6:15 - where were the big balloons?
Finally a man took the microphone and called all pilots. He made announcements about the wind, weather, temperature and the zones landing was okay in. Mostly anywhere except the red zone by the airport. If they landed in a farmers field it was okay, but they could not take their trucks out on to the field. Had a number to call for help. Each balloon had a sponsor who would get to ride in it.
The crowd dispersed and the trucks and trailers began to drive out on the field. Each pilots area was marked with a red cone or flag.
Baskets and balloons soon appeared.
Stretching their balloon out on the ground.
Spreading another one out. You can see the smoke in the distance.
Checking their propane
Some of the balloons are starting to inflate.
The brown one on the right is Smokey the Bear. The sun is finally up and it was getting a little warmer and easier to take pictures.
Up, up and away
More and more getting ready to take off.
So many colors
A lot of balloons getting ready to take off.
There's Smokey
Inflating the balloon. They were warned in the pilots meeting about the low humidity dew point is -2. They have to be really careful about static setting a fire. A day or so ago a balloon in Arizona caught fire and even burned the truck that brought it.
No mishaps here.
It is Sunday morning and the fires is just getting bigger. We went to the Glow that wasn't a glow last night, but still was fun.
Saturday morning the bedroom light came on and Bill yanked my toes saying, "Get up." What? I could see it was still dark out and cold, the furnace was running but hadn't taken the chill off yet. I rolled over and looked at the clock. Huh? It was blinking 1.11 - just blinking. Guess the electricity went out last night. What time was it anyway? 4:45!
I got up, put on jeans and a t-shirt and had a cup of hot coffee. By then it was 5:15. We were up early to go to the Balloon Ascension. According to the brochure it would be at 6:30. The sky was barely getting light. So had another cup of coffee and went in hunt of a jacket. About 15 to 6 we left the still gray campground. We knew where the event was going to take place so headed there. As we tried to turn into the area we were stopped - Pilots only in that way. But we could go to the cemetery where we'd have a good view. So off we went. Well we had a good view alright of a field full of trucks. Where were the balloons. Decided to go to the other area the guard suggested. Back into town and out to the baseball park. Parked the car and discovered the field with the balloons was about a two block walk through a meadow.
It was still shivering cold out - about 47 degrees. We set off - getting a little warmer as we walked and the sun got closer to coming up. Finally at the field where the balloons would take off.
One of the first things I saw. Not a balloon but it had a basket.

No balloons, but a lot of trucks pulling trailers and lots of people milling around.
A few testing regular little balloons let up to see which way the wind was blowing. Everyone watched them until they were out of sight.
6:15 - where were the big balloons?
Finally a man took the microphone and called all pilots. He made announcements about the wind, weather, temperature and the zones landing was okay in. Mostly anywhere except the red zone by the airport. If they landed in a farmers field it was okay, but they could not take their trucks out on to the field. Had a number to call for help. Each balloon had a sponsor who would get to ride in it.
The crowd dispersed and the trucks and trailers began to drive out on the field. Each pilots area was marked with a red cone or flag.
Baskets and balloons soon appeared.
Stretching their balloon out on the ground.
Spreading another one out. You can see the smoke in the distance.
Checking their propane
Some spread big cloths on the ground before putting the balloons down.
The baskets were laid on their sides at the opening of the balloon. Some of the balloons are starting to inflate.
The brown one on the right is Smokey the Bear. The sun is finally up and it was getting a little warmer and easier to take pictures.

Smiley Face. Holding the ropes while inflating the balloons.
Still can't figure out what this is. Up, up and away
More and more getting ready to take off.
So many colors
A lot of balloons getting ready to take off.
There's Smokey
Inflating the balloon. They were warned in the pilots meeting about the low humidity dew point is -2. They have to be really careful about static setting a fire. A day or so ago a balloon in Arizona caught fire and even burned the truck that brought it.
No mishaps here.
It is Sunday morning and the fires is just getting bigger. We went to the Glow that wasn't a glow last night, but still was fun.
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